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THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING, fascicle 34: Typology of the countries, continents and the world

Countries are organisations that also have a typology, naturally. The origin of each country’s typology lies in the history of its constitution and in the personality of its founders.

It is not the research theme of this book to detect the typology of all the countries in the world and for this we would refer the reader to our work “The new MAT leadership” which analyses the genesis of the Spanish and Venezuelan typology. We will only give a few results about countries that we have investigated. In Europe, France is Legislator, just like Portugal. Spain is Revealer, as is Greece. Holland is Reactivator, as well as Russia. Belgium is Constructor, in addition to Switzerland and Germany. England is Fortifier, as is Sweden. Italy is Promoter.
In America, the United States is Revealer. Canada is Constructor. Mexico is Revealer, Costa Rica and Venezuela are Reactivators. Chile is Legislator. Colombia is Promoter as well as Argentina, Peru is Fortifier as is Barbados.
In North Africa, Morocco is Reactivator. Algeria is Revealer. Tunisia is Promoter. Libya is Constructor.
In Asia, China is Constructor. Japan is Fortifier as is India. Vietnam is Reactivator.
In Oceania, Australia is Revealer.
Just as countries have their own typology, so do the continents: Europe is Legislator. Asia is Constructor. America is Fortifier. Africa is Revealer.
As for the world, it is undoubtedly Constructor. We haven’t yet researched the genesis of the formation of the world’s typology, but MAT was also a pragmatic discovery that started out by confirming what existed. It started with the discovery of the typological communication channels, followed by the discovery of the seven typologies, then the structural engineering, and then the emotional engineering. After discovering the what, came the how and then the why and then the what for, and finally the where.
So we confirmed that the world is of the Constructor typology, and that the phase that it is normally in is the Legislator phase, in other words in disconnection. We refer the reader to the chapter corresponding to the typologies and to the section that deals with the Constructor. All of the data correspond in terms of structure, emotions, aesthetic, psychological profile, existential dramas, archetypal beliefs, etc.
Consequently, we will not repeat the characteristics of the Constructor typology and will leave to the intelligence and transforming capacity of the reader the task of verifying this and translating in terms of organisation and ideology the beliefs and values described in the context of the person. This can be a very fun and creative exercise in which we don’t wish to interfere.


We believe that, for a work that presents this new science – MAT – it is much more important to culminate the analysis of the incidence of the personality typologies on the ideologies that dominate the world, starting at the current moment and going back in time over five millennia. We will conclude with a projection of the ideologies that will dominate the world for another fifty years. What is essential here is the science, the method. With this method, any trained or simply studious reader will be able to make projections for a greater period of time. And any historian could provide relevant data for checking and corroborating the synthesised analysis that we make here. We are not historians and we need all manner of experts in the human sciences, including medicine, in order to complete and advance our investigations.

In our introduction, we described the values that have dominated our global culture for the last thirty years. But before going back over them we believe that it is useful to analyse the basic ideology that has governed the world since time began. On this ideology will be superimposed the ideologies of the millennia, centuries, and generational eras, dialectically influencing the basic world ideology.
We declare that planet earth has a Constructor typology and that the origin lies in the very formation of the planet which was constituted very slowly and under the sign of development and work. We don’t know which civilisations intervened before the biblical era, but we will begin from it because that ideology continues to influence the world today and will do so even more in thirteen years’ time, for the reasons that we will see further on. According to the biblical ideology man was created by God and punished for his pride when he wished to become, by eating from the tree of knowledge, “one of the gods”, in other words an archetype. He was expelled from paradise and condemned to eat the fruit of his labour, working tirelessly to achieve this. The woman, his companion, was condemned to give birth in pain in order to reproduce. There is no promise of returning to paradise following repentance. Children must eternally pay for the sins of their forebears, without possible remission, at least in this life. The sentence seems eternal, as was the curse of Zeus on Sisyphus, who similarly sinned against his god by deceiving him. Following the expulsion of the original couple, comes fratricide out of the envy (in other words, rage instead of pride) of Cain against Abel. Somewhat later, god decides to shorten the lifetime of mortals and establishes it at 120 years at most. More sadness. The biblical god is Legislator and inflates the pride of governing men by imposing on them norms and rules that crush their Rector and reduce to a limit their Transformer. One cannot, under any concept rebel against that god. The typology of the world, clearly Constructor through inflation of the Synthesiser and sadness, the evident disconnection of pride and the Transformer, the prohibition of rage and its outcome of seeing injustice as something normal, daily and inevitable, is based on the Constructor’s two existential beliefs. The first one: “If I say what I know, they will think me crazy and nobody will believe me” weighs on all of us like a millstone. Pride is totally disconnected on this planet, and all great creators, discoverers, and geniuses face incomprehension and envy, although we don’t burn them at the stake nowadays, they are allowed to die of ostracism, misery and hunger. Pride, in other words transformation and metamorphosis through the creation of great and brilliant works, through growth that leaps above scales and through the discovery of the essence of the world’s problems, is the greatest taboo that confronts the entire planet earth. We must behave like animals, in other words beings of five dimensions (it is hardly surprising that the evolutionist thesis that makes us descend from the monkey is a more than religious dogma!), in order to ingratiate ourselves with the dominant ideology And if recognition and consecration comes, it is always after death, once the consecrated academic authorities have discovered, after a lot of examination and resistance, a body of ideas that can now be manipulated, reduced, labelled and integrated into the inventory of corpses that can no longer defend themselves, nor explain their true motivations, nor protest against the reductionist manner in which they are interpreted, much less, against those who self-appoint themselves their official spokespeople and representatives. Fighting the genius inside all of us is a religion on this earth. Thus, being, is taboo. Being what we all have and are to be, is taboo. It is a taboo not to disconnect each other so as to enter the flock of sheep resigned to death in life that Sisyphus tells us we were born to be. And if Sisyphus says so, no mortal can oppose himself any longer and denounce with rage, instead obey under penalty of a greater punishment: to have one’s liver devoured by the eagle (in other words by the envy of Zeus) by becoming a Revealer. Since if pride is a taboo, authentic rage, not the inflated unruly, rebellious revolutionary one that is accepted like teenage measles, is deicide. We could even go this far!
Rage, the innate capacity to say “not like that!” to lies, manipulation, injustice and to say “like this!” to life, just action, freedom of the body, the mind, of transforming potency, of the soul, of harmony, of the spirit, is deicide. Thus we all consider injustice to be a necessary evil in order to evolve, so that the strongest, i.e. the aggressive, survive. There is no room for doves or gazelles on this earth. This is the foundation of the Constructor’s second belief: “Nothing can change”. Indeed, without rage, things can only, with a lot of effort, evolve minimally.
Thus, human unity is the unity of power, not of potency, it is the family, the street gang, the company, the country. Not the integral, autonomous, authentic and free human being who chooses interdependence with the best.
Plus, and from the biblical approach, rage is transformed into false Legislator pride of exercising power, authority, the patriarchy in all social, business and political roles. We refer the reader to the Legislator typology, which for the Constructor represents the disconnection phase, obliging him to work at 20% of his innate capacity as a one-day old newborn, since the Legislator is the mask over the Constructor mask that represents our credo, that of all the inhabitants of the planet, whether we are conscious of it or not, whether we like it or not. Thus, we use 20% of the start-up energy installed in the world, instead of the millions or billions percent that we could have reached if we had simply put ourselves on the path towards being what we all are, as human beings, and transmitting the preoccupation to grow from parents to children. Is it too late? No, not at all. But we need to examine briefly the forces of inertia that this world map has generated and that continue to be generated from generation to generation and century to century. Very fortunately, the evolution of the millennia, as we will see further on, brings us a very potent light at the end of the tunnel and can and must reorient our compass. With that joy and that hope, and with a possible and agreeable path, and with instruments to achieve the connection of the world and a new start-up for the wheel, to date inverted, of history, we will finish this last chapter of introduction to MAT.
The world, just like any other person or organisation, can perfectly well embark on its path to connection, a preliminary step to start growing and being better and more what it has to be. Without a war, without a drop of blood being spilled, without pain (although it is so hard for us to believe in something other than inflated sadness). A person, a Constructor organisation, in the phase of connection, resizes their inflated sadness and transforms it into intelligence and the capacity to think with clarity and, thus, solve all the problems, by eradicating their causes, instead of opening a hole to cover another one while intoning a Nazi hymn to liberating work. That already puts the Constructor organisation in the pre-connection phase, the Fortifier phase, whereby useful energy duplicates to become 40%. And we have it on a plate, because today a Fortifier millennium is ending, as we will see later.
As the second step in its connection process, the Constructor organisation recovers its pride and assumes its, moreover, as its greatest talent, its potential genius, which can be achieved on the simple condition of exercising it as the priority basis of its being and existing in the world. With that it functions at 60% and thereby triplicates its original energy. The earth and men will be governed by the cult for the capacity to transform, to be, to invent, to discover, to create. If it assumes its sixth structure, the one that differentiates it from animals. And instead of a universe with a heavy, slow, necrophilic evolution, with millions of victims, we will move onto a world of permanent transformation that will take us, in a future that we believe is remote, to the culmination of the process of hyperconnection that will make us function, at the start of having recovered our natural energetic sequence at 5,000%. And that without recovering the potency of the axes. And that without recovering the Centre, which would take us to billions of potency. And that process of growth is, not only possible, not only agreeable and fun, but also has been experimented by us on numerous cases.
As the third phase of growth for achieving connection, the Constructor organisation conquers authentic rage as its vocation. And, as its vocation, the major revolutions have become true symbols of self-fulfilment in the world. But why spill blood and impose the disconnected Revealer Map, always precarious and provisional, on top of incompatible with the world’s Constructor structure, to be able to dream? Why should we abandon the marvellous potency of a connected Constructor world to yield to the Revealer paranoia, that demands there always be a baddy in the picture, who develops a taste for repression, who propitiates a bloodbath, so that finally the Map of the world ends up imposing itself and transforming the dream into a sad repressive machine of what is best of the human being, his pride? Passing onto the Revealer phase does not mean wearing the Revealer mask of inflated rage, resentment and envy on top of the Constructor mask. With what we have, it’s enough.
To pass onto authentic rage as the vocation involves laughing mischievously and declaring, with total certainty, calm and composure, that the new values of the new culture correspond to those of the Connected Constructor and that the world will be the place for reactivating and valuing our six dimensions, all authentic, in sequence and in the three axes at the service of the Centre, as we all were in our first month of gestation. That is our natural state that will make us find with total ease a bio-management, which implements the Omega Theory as the inalienable and conquerable base of the most universal human motivations. This as a second step, in order to recover our sequence.
And, as a third and penultimate step, the functioning in the three axes, which will populate the world with experts in what is available, existing and present, in other words of what was formerly referred to as Masters, Priests, and Angels, without religions, a world of true science, at the service of the unprecedented greatness of the human being. And, to top it all, the discovery of the Centre, which, we repeat, we always have to leave EMPTY, as a receptacle of dimensions that we do not yet possess.
The world in the connection phase will be characterised by integrity, honesty, loyalty, solidarity, compassion, perfect justice, geniality, the talent of transformation, serenity and the pure joy of discovering the elevation and rectitude of the spirit, in infinite freedom and growth. Of all the typologies, the Constructor has the greatest and best faculty to transform itself into a non-mammal human being, since that’s what it’s about. That doesn’t mean splitting up with one’s partner, family, or organisation, but cleaning them of debris. We would have a world, essentially, on the antipodes of madness. Since not transforming, not creating, not denouncing lies or loving truths is what, all life long, have been the real causes of madness. The whole world would become an intensive care unit against physical and psychological diseases but also spiritual and mental. We would be, all of us, the full Reactivators of a new world made in the image and likeness of the human being that we were all born to be and grow.
After examining, in an eagle’s flight, the world in the ideology of its map, we will now take a brief look at another phenomenon: the typology of the ideologies in fashion that succeed each other in the world, both in great eras, such as the millennia, as well as in shorter periods such as centuries, and in very short periods such as generational trends.
The fact that typological visions succeed each other in time obeys the human being’s spiritual preoccupation of finding his north through successive options: we try with one ideology and, when we realise that it doesn’t work, we clear the way for another option. The key question here is to observe in what order one follows the other.

The Splendour of the Human Being - Preciada Azancot

An extract from the book “THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING” by Preciada Azancot

©Preciada Azancot