Archivo de la etiqueta: simple


Dominant dimension: Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, his skill.
Disconnected dimension: Transformer-pride-taste, his talent.
Prohibited dimension: Vitaliser-rage-smell, his vocation.
Healthy dimensions: Protector-love-sight.

Tipología MAT constructora por Preciada Azancot

Tipología MAT Constructora por Preciada Azancot

Sensory perception of the Constructor:

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SEE? The geometrical shape that prevails in the Constructor’s appearance is the square (face, trunk, hips, hands, feet).
The gland that functions with sadness is the thyroid, which produces an accelerated metabolism, thinness, agitation, and a lot of down and hair. The hair is what first catches our eye about the Constructor. It is dense, thick, extremely abundant, and starts very low on the forehead. At the same time, facial hair, especially in men, is much more abundant than in the rest of people. The Constructor also stands out for his hyperactivity: he is constantly doing things and cannot sit still. Likewise, he has a great metabolism and is skinny with very dry skin. Sometimes, he suffers from hyperthyroidism.
His face is square, but rounded at the bottom. He has a narrow forehead and his amazing hair starts low on the forehead. He has well-defined and horizontal eyebrows, medium large eyes almost always short-sighted, frequently wears glasses, because they make him look serious, which he cultivates. He has the most perfect, straight and fine nose of all typologies, and mostly thin and horizontal lips. The lower part of his face is gently rounded.
His neck is thin, he has narrow and mostly drooping shoulders, he is skinny and his arms and thighs are shorter than the average. His movements are mechanical, somewhat robotised, as if his joints were not oiled and flexible. His gestural attitude is tense with a lack of elasticity and agility, to such an extent, that he does not crease his clothes after a hard day of non-stop work.
They dress in a very sober and classical manner. They like the colour blue, grey, and sometimes the most daring use touches of red. When they wish to break the mould of their classicism, they wear an orgy of red. It is very rare to see them in green. They prefer quality to quantity and have high quality clothes that they don’t mind repeating. They are the great perfectionists among the typologies. They are always impeccable and their tie is straight and without a single stain or twist.
The decoration of their house, on the rare occasions that they get to choose it, is very sober and simple. Very functional. There are few and very simple items of furniture, made of modern materials for a reasonable price. However, they accumulate a lot of collection works, because they are great collectors. Eggshell white, blue and red prevail. They like photographs and posters, and prefer cubism in art. Sometimes, the roots emerge and they express themselves in baroque architecture and decoration. They are the creators of baroque art.
Although sober and simple, they are fussy in their own way and seek, in everything, quality. The image that they cultivate is that of sobriety, seriousness and perseverance. They don’t like to draw attention and disguise themselves as a serious adult with horn rimmed glasses, strict haircuts with an impeccable line (which is a prodigy given how profuse and rebellious their hair is), clothes without a single twist or wrinkle, of a classic and sober cut. One is rather surprised, when one looks at their faces, at the impeccably perfect and Roman classicism of their features. They are of average height. They are thin.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO HEAR? The Constructor’s voice is fairly monochord with a continuous rhythm that can be sleep-inducing. The volume is average. When Constructors speak, they do so seriously, like everything that they do, and they give data and more data, offering evidence of how well-informed they are. They want to be “perfectly” clear and, to this effect, overwhelm the audience with an overabundance of details. They introduce parentheses that provide interminable clarifications that make one lose the thread of what is essential. When, half an hour later, they finish a sentence with its numerous parentheses, the listener already lost the thread of the speech, and the Constructor despairs for not having been sufficiently clear and promises himself to be more “perfect” on the next occasion and give even more information. Which makes his audience reluctant to ask him anything. Fortunately, the Constructor only speaks when asked and they are exceptional and patient listeners. He uses a lot of adverbs, such as “perfectly”, “obviously”, “naturally”, “specifically”, which shows his high perfectionism. He is over informed and subscribes to all the specialised magazines of his sector. He is a great reader who collects books on the strangest and most diverse topics that one can imagine.
He adores music and cannot live without it, especially classical music, and baroque in particular, at least when they are initiated, and jazz music. Sometimes they play an instrument and learn it as an adult.
He is rarely an artist, and when he is, he favours photography or hyperrealism, in which he can become one of the greats of his time. He is very observant and visual and retains details that nobody else is capable of perceiving.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TOUCH? The Constructor has no special inclination in favour or against physical contact. He is not afraid when touched, nor particularly seeks to be touched. He is sober and assertive in his physical contact with others.
His skin is very dry and needs constant hydration. His fast metabolism gives him a tight and dry skin, with no water retention or excess fat. What one touches, above all, is the muscle in a Constructor.
He withstands cold better than the heat, although he is very sensitive to both. He puts the air-conditioning on, indispensable for him, at an excessively low temperature so as not to sweat, something he hates to do.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TASTE? The Constructor is sober and simple in everything, especially where food is concerned. He likes simple and natural things, such as grilled meat and fish, classical salads with not much dressing, natural vegetables, simple desserts such as cream caramel and egg custard. He is a great enthusiast of frozen foods, which he seeks out for their practicality. When he cooks, he does so very honestly, on condition that he is asked for classicism. He is not creative or inventive in this aspect. At the other extreme, there are marvellous, imaginative and consecrated chefs in the world who are of the Constructor typology. But they are the exception to the rule because, in this aspect, they have achieved connection to their real talent: creating pride.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SMELL? The Constructor, in his extreme perfectionism, is fairly manic about cleaning. He adores the shower, which he prefers to the bath, and showers constantly. He washes his hands about twenty times a day or more. He always smells of soap and water. When it is possible to penetrate his personal body odour a note of fern can be detected. He does not use perfumes excessively and prefers cologne, of lavender or citrus fruits in particular. He likes orchids. Olfactory Constructors are close to their connection.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO PERCEIVE SEXUALLY? The Constructor is the least sexist of all the typologies. He doesn’t conceive male or female chauvinism. For him, a person is that, a person. He is not going to cultivate chivalrousness or sex appeal and expects from others the same straightforward and unisex treatment. He is a tender lover, attentive, meticulous and obliging, but not very imaginative.
For him sex represents a simple pleasure and one without complications. He doesn’t add the taboos or magic that others include in erotic relations. Sexually he is very faithful.

He chooses his partners well, without risking great spiritual adventures. He prefers Legislators and Revealers. In general, he flees from Promoters, who are his cosmic pair because that would complicate his life and force him to tackle the phase of transcendence. And that is too much for his disconnected pride.

Structural analysis of the Constructor typology:
The Constructor’s dominant structure is the Synthesiser, which is hyper-present in all its manifestations. He fully performs all of the functions of the Synthesiser and has the memory of an elephant, he is very tidy; he likes to file and preserve everything, he loves thinking and reasoning. He is an addict of development and communication, at least where information is concerned. Because he is worried and afraid by the human emotions that people display when they communicate. He is very auditory, as well as visual.
His Transformer is disconnected and he feels hostility towards what is novel, what is inventive, what is imaginative, what has not been consecrated by the majority. That’s how he understands democracy: as the numerical majority being right. He is very fearful of others’ envy and is blind towards his own. He swears that he is never envious, but when he comes across what is authentically great and genius, he declares his scepticism and sometimes assaults and attacks the discoverer. He doesn’t realise his envy, because he pays homage to geniuses. Yes, but once history has consecrated them, after one thousand attacks and disqualifications from people like him. He has an obsession where the Transformer is concerned: all geniuses and creators are crazy. And he will be the first, if he allows himself to be tempted to listen to such a dangerous structure.
His Vitaliser is prohibited and this is noticeable in everything related to the Constructor: he doesn’t know how to say “not that way”, he is neither vital nor vitalist, he is fairly rigid and mechanical, he does not believe in a universe of justice, and acts out the art of quietly withstanding injustices.
His Protector is healthy and normal-sized: he is warm, friendly, loyal, loving. He has a sense of solidarity and cordiality. What he is missing is time, because, although he denies it fervently, he does not know how to administrate his time and never has a moment for what he really likes.
His Orienter is healthy in day to day manifestations of enjoying the small pleasures in life, which he knows how to appreciate like nobody, but very short-sighted where his spiritual life is concerned. The Constructor is an agnostic who lives perfectly well without God and believes that we are the fruit of evolution and Darwin’s laws. For him, we have all descended from monkeys and full stop.
His Rector is discrete and somewhat underdeveloped. He does not know how to place limits on the invasion of his intimacy and his time and space. Especially, of his time. He is almost never in harmony and lives under stress. And hyper.

Emotional engineering of the Constructor typology:
The Constructor has an inflation of sadness. He feels all the stimuli and signs that ought to produce sadness, but also changes the reactions to stimuli that ought to produce pride transforming them into false defeatist and overwhelming sadness. He is very intelligent, sensible and rational. He is basically deductive and analytical. He is not prepared for inductive thinking that seems adventurous and somewhat crazy to him, or for synthesis. He drowns in the details and does not know how to prioritise or choose.
Pride is his disconnected emotion. The mere word pride irritates him, since he confers on it a meaning of false pride, arrogance and pedantry. He feels rage instead of pride. When he is shown an innovation, he attacks the inventor discrediting him. When he, exceptionally, dares to express his creating or liberating pride, he does so defensively and aggressively. Which makes the other party reject him, ratifying his decision not to trust his imaginary world to anybody. He is too interested in being approved and in finding his place among the majority to risk the adventure, high and solitary, of the creator, of the innovator. When somebody in his environment takes that risk, instead of admiring the innovator, the Constructor feels envy and denigrates them. Since he is very well informed he always searches for where the creator copied their work from. Since he doesn’t find this deceit that he looks so hard for, instead of admiring what is novel, he feels irritated and cheated as if the creator had indeed copied their work from somebody that he doesn’t know.
Rage is his prohibited emotion. The Constructor makes his way in the world as a victim and complains a lot, but submits to all abuses and injustices. In terms of the vitality and energy that authentic rage confers, the Constructor is hyperactive but does not have authentic vitality nor feels his corporality. He is all brain and cerebral. Although very disciplined and goes to the gym and practices sports like squash and tennis, he drops dead from a heart attack, or undermined by a cancer at an early age. He has circulatory problems, ischemias, migraines and high cholesterol, on top of high blood pressure.

Archetypal beliefs of the Constructor:
Although he is the one who most denies the existence of God, the Constructor has his own particular god that he obeys blindly. Here it is Sisyphus, son of the wind, the most astute of mortals, father of Ulysses (also condemned to impossible and heroic journeys and tests), condemned by Zeus, for having been proud and avenging, to push an immense rock towards the peak of a mountain. Every time that Sisyphus “almost” managed to place the rock on the peak, the rock would roll down again and he had to return to his frustrating task, eternally. No matter how astute he showed himself to be, he was never able to escape that curse, in life or in hell.
Subject to the curse of such a god, it is not surprising that the basic existential beliefs of the Constructor are:
If I reveal what I discover nobody will take me seriously (I will be envied and condemned as a madman). And
Nothing can change (everything repeats itself eternally, with no possible escape).
His Existential Drama (E.D.):
Is “overwhelmed”: the Constructor, believing himself condemned to work and work, does not realise that he uses work as a shelter so as not to prioritise and create, whereby he guarantees not connecting his authentic pride. To this effect, he overwhelms himself with a thousand things to do, which he does not prioritise, and even gladly offers to do the tedious work of others as a guarantee not to have room to breathe or a single moment to be and to grow. Whereupon, he behaves like a victim and quietly blames all other free beings who have their own time. This way he shuts off his access to rage and remains a slave to his own Map.

Psychological profile of the Constructor:
The Constructor has a rich and intense inner life, an inexhaustible curiosity and a dazzling imagination. They show themselves as the grey men and women, of the masses, who only know how to work, serious, but, so boring!
They are perfectionists and pure, great refined aesthetes and are seen as ordinary, brainy, yes, but so unimaginative and not at all refined!
They suffer with firmness of character and dignity the envy and injustices of their surroundings and propose themselves to prove that, even in the smallest and most discrete tasks, it is possible to be a revolutionary. They are seen as the developers of others’ ideas, reliable and discrete, but so insensitive!
They improve anything that they are doing, putting all of their effort and heart into it, and are seen as boring and repetitive by everybody else.
They are fair and suffer in the face of any lie, manipulation and injustice. Except that they don’t believe in the others’ sense of justice and, therefore, are patient and decide that by taking small steps big changes will occur in the end. They are seen by others as conformists and sustainers of the inverted social order.
The Constructor works and works, cornered between Legislators, who only grant responsible, serious and reliable people the noble status of citizen, and Promoters, who are convinced of having in him a slave to execute their brilliant ideas. This ingratiates him with the two typologies and he finds his place in society. With that he is happy. Since the Constructor’s highest interest in life is to be useful.
Unlike the Legislator, the Constructor does not behave like a father in life. He behaves like an adult, irrespective of his age. It is funny to see Constructor children behave like adults even in the most relaxed and festive conditions.
The Constructor is hyper-cerebral and hyper-rational. He is pure logic. Pure deductive and linear thinking. Plus he is super-perfectionist and minutely examines every concept down to its microscopic consequences. He is the king of analysis. Also he analyses everything and discredits whatever does not have a rational cause or effect. He is pure left hemisphere.
What he most values in his social life is having a specialisation and thereby a guaranteed usefulness. The second thing he needs is a family to whom he can be faithful and for whom he can sacrifice himself. He is also an excellent friend, but he has little time for them. He doesn’t even have it for his own family, that he loves so much! He is always busy and, often overwhelmed. He complains and sighs but doesn’t know how to prioritise and differentiate what is a priority from what is accessory. All tasks are a priority for him, moreover, when he does distinguish between them, he proposes to start with the most tedious in order to enjoy the most exciting. But since he accepts and even likes to take on other people’s tasks, he doesn’t find time for what is most delicious, unforeseeable and creating.
The Constructor finds his spiritual elevation in a job well done and in music. He cannot live without it. With it he dreams, flies, and finds himself. It is rare for him to find fulfilment in the most contemporary music. He is a classic lover and feels particular veneration for Constructor musicians like him: Bach, Vivaldi, Monteverdi, and if he is very daring, Shostakovich, Mahler and Mussorgsky. But he loves Beethoven, although it expresses so much rage. It has the effect of a lymphatic drainage on him.
The Constructor does not believe in god. He is an agnostic democrat who believes that everything starts and ends here, on this earth, and he will walk his part of the way with honesty and humility, his two best virtues. He will give himself completely, without expecting any reward on this earth or beyond. He will do so out of honesty and because he is a perfectionist who likes things done with pulchritude.
His perfectionism is his greatest virtue and his worst enemy. He is mercilessly critical with himself and benevolent with others. He never does things sufficiently well. That leads him to be maniacal about cleaning, order, with gestures of verification. From there to having tics, manias and repetitive compulsions there is a step that he will cross easily.
He abuses his resistance and his emotional dysfunctions predispose him to circulatory, ischemic, heart diseases and neuropathies, in particular to Alzheimer’s, which is an escape to rest from so much labouring and perfectionism.
Although he loves his home, he spends little time there, unless, naturally, he is a housewife. But even then he doesn’t enjoy his home fully, because he spends his time cleaning it. He is not a great host and is more prone to being his partner’s collaborator and helper. Neither is he a great cook, except on extremely rare occasions of Constructors near their connection. Nor does he have a developed talent in the art of informal conversation. He is a little mean and prudent, like the ant from the fable with which he so identifies. His preferred colours are blue, with touches of red, and off-white.
What most despairs him about himself is his difficulty to choose. For him, choosing is a torment and he is never convinced of having made the best decision. Even if he has made all the shoes be taken out and tried them all on, for example. He is also tormented by his morbid curiosity and attraction for the occult, the esoteric, the fantastic and the paranormal. Although he scrupulously hides it, so that people don’t think that he’s mad, he sees himself as a voyeur, a scrutiniser of others’ secrets and intimacies. That is why he identifies so much with photography.
His relationship with rage is very epidermal: he hates it. It is the emotion of madmen. Full stop. He reaffirms this belief when he feels and expresses rage instead of pride. When he assumes it, he sees himself as a madman, and with reason. His ideal is a world of justice, but ideals are utopias. In the real world injustice will always rule and he is an adult because he knows that things don’t change.

Structural energetic functioning:
S.E.F.: (sadness–pride–rage) + love + joy – fear.
He has two authentic emotions: love and joy when he is in his Map. He feels authentic sadness, but mixes it with 40% of pride that he converts into amputating and jailing defeatism. He feels rage instead of pride (envy) and fear instead of rage (timidity, cowing).
That is his formula and his equation.
Professions: Researcher. Consultant. Trainer. Doctor. Engineer. Scientist. Computer Scientist.

Phases of typological evolution:
He has his six structures fed by their six authentic emotions connected to their six respective senses.
He conserves, magnified and refined, the qualities of his Map: he is tender, intelligent, loyal, generous, and acute. He is hard-working, honest, curious, scientific, rational, mature, obliging, has a sense of belonging to his family nucleus and workplace. He is sober, impartial, he gives excellent advice. He is aware of his attraction for what is magical, erotic, religious and spiritual and devotes himself to its study. He pays attention to detail and is meticulous.
He becomes a reanimator of everything that has collapsed and is diseased; he is the best creator of the Intensive Care Unit, and its boss. He is a natural catalyser of the best creative and innovative forces. He is a creator and an artist of great constructivist purity. He is joyful, optimistic, reliable, and brave. He loves people based on their genuine worth and makes no exceptions. He is the best confronter of psychopaths who flee from him like rats and leave others in peace. He is a refined aesthete and a collector of rarities. He is an excellent cook and he loves to eat well. It is impossible to disorient him. He is extremely sensual, erotic and acute. He is brilliant and ground-breaking. He is irresistible and pure. He is a biophile. He is the best friend and defender of geniuses, whom he recognises and consecrates before anyone else. With them he walks the path towards also becoming a genius.
He immediately and without delay puts himself on the path towards his hyperconnection and his transcendence, and aims towards the stature of a Goethe and a Cezanne.
E.D.: None.
Professions: Director of Organisational Change Processes. Head of his own company. Plastic artist or poet. President of his professional Association, which he resuscitates.
S.E.F.: (sadness + pride + rage) + love + joy + fear. All authentic.
He uses 80% of his innate energy and forms part of 2% of the population of Constructors.

He stops stressing himself out and stressing out others. He knows how to listen and to speak in an essential and synthetic manner. He congratulates his environment for what is most creating. He admires and supports innovators and publicly puts his neck on the line for them. He assumes his attraction for what is novel and authentic. He is discrete and brave. He is patient, wise, acute, has a sense of humour. He is attracted by solitude and devotes himself to knowing himself emotionally and spiritually. He is a great friend of the best. He scales the powerful of the moment down to size and unmasks cheats. His preferred typologies: connected Revealers, Promoters and Reactivators. He flees from vanities and agitation. He has all the time for what is essential: love, friendship and creators. He is authentically spiritual, although very secular. He does photography and it relaxes him to be a culinary creator.
But he is afraid to stand out, to be admired, to be loved for what he is. He thinks he is going to let people down. He hides. He compensates his sensuality with food and puts on too much weight. He has slight neurological complaints. He feels a particular tenderness towards the worst Promoters, who manipulate him and suck his life essence from him. He is afraid of psychotics and psychopaths, and gives them open ground for their misdemeanours.
S.E.F. (authentic sadness – pride – fear) + love + joy – rage. He is no longer envious, but is afraid of standing out. He is still timid.
Professions: Wiseman. Psychologist. Writer. General Secretary. Photographer. Painter. Musician. Biologist.
E.D. a bit of “overwhelmed” and “if it weren’t for…”
He uses 40% of innate energy and forms part of 15% of the population of Constructors.

He is in everything identical to the Constructor map portrait at the beginning.
He uses 30% of innate energy and forms part of 10% of the population of Constructors.

He has only one authentic emotion left: love.
He is even more hard-working and reliable, but blocks his own and other people’s growth. He consecrates himself to an organisation whose culture is counter to his and devotes his life and moments of intimacy with his own people to it, in exchange for small creative and clandestine conquests that others attribute to themselves with his blessing.
He loses authentic joy. He is used by disconnected Legislators and Promoters, whom he admires and pays tribute to. He is looked down on by Revealers and Fortifiers and avoided by Reactivators due to his tediousness. He idolises the archetype of the moment and loses his virtual iconoclastic potency. He feels rage and envy towards authentic creators, whom he dismisses as being illuminated and utopian. He mistrusts what is novel, except for what is technical and robotises the environment. He is seen as a cynic who prevents the flow of life, as an insensitive person who allows himself to be subjugated by the establishment’s most powerful. He has a phobia about envy and is blind to his own. He suffers from health problems: heart diseases and ulcers. He is short-sighted.
Professions: Consulting. Hospital medicine. Organisation. Secretary of associations. Teaching. Banking.
E.D.: “overwhelmed” and “defect”.
S.E.F.: (inflated sadness – pride + false pride instead of rage) + love – joy – fear. He becomes servile, on top of retaining the defects of his Map.
He uses 20% of innate energy and forms part of 55% of the population of Constructors.

He has no single authentic emotion left and turns his back on himself by inverting the joy-rage axis. Therefore, on top of all the foregoing, he is idolatrous, a fanatic and sacrilegious. Whereupon, he sees himself as a late genius who is going to prove to everyone how clever he is.
He suffers from feverish and disconnected motor function, almost epileptic. He is a revanchist and envious. He plays the genius and everyone laughs at him, because he is empty and delirious. He imitates the baron Von Frankenstein: he joins pieces of corpses (dead things) and pretends to be a god by creating (false) life. He takes himself for a redeemer and appears pathetic. He sinks his company and his team. He is extremely narcissistic and feels pride instead of love. He makes everyone neurotic with his agitation and diva-like demands. He has several heart attacks and dies from the third or fourth. He can suffer a mortal cerebral stroke. He is prone to cancer and neuropathies.
He is enthusiastic about Promoter-Constructor art (Arte Povera). He ruins himself by investing all of his savings in overambitious projects with feet of clay. He is deceitful and plays “rubber cheque” in order to feel important. He arranges dates and then neither attends nor receives them. He takes cocaine and amphetamines. He doesn’t eat and puts on weight.
Professions: Organisational leader chosen by a Promoter-Constructor. Fashion editor. Porn artist. Scientist. TV host.
E.D.: “overwhelmed” and “rubber cheque”.
S.E.F.: (inflated and necrophiliac sadness – pride + false joy instead of rage (self-idolatry, fanaticism) – love – rage – fear.
He uses 3% of innate energy and forms part of 15% of the population of Constructors.

In the exceptional case of being 100% in this phase, we would have the following profile. But what is most likely is that the dissociated person will only be this way in one or two problematic and stressed out areas of his life, and, most frequently, only against himself:
Not only does he lose all of his authentic emotions, but also he falls into the lethal formula: false inflated love + false inflated sadness which he feels at the same time. This provokes the collapse of his immune system, not only physical but also psychic and he gives in to a socially accepted schizophrenia. He believes himself to be the messiah, the prophet, god’s envoy, and inverts everything. He is a fanatic of death.
He is depressive and apocalyptic. He falls into a delirium and, often, into epilepsy. He adores psychopaths and hates connected people. He looks like a madman, talks like a madman, and scares people because he is mad. He suffers from psychosomatic diseases and has visual hallucinations. He manipulates his environment with guilt and pity. He is full of envy and resentment. He confuses God with the devil and obeys him. He is the anti-planner, since he sees everything the wrong way round. He dreams with the purity of the bloodline, genocide and invents concentration camps, the gas chamber, bacteriological warfare, and the crematory ovens. He is a technocrat of the extermination camp and monstrous genetics. He is anti-Semitic, anti-blacks, anti-yellows, anti-Indians, anti-homosexual and denies his own roots. He hates natural law, connected Reactivators and Revealers: he sacrifices them in the name of the Magnetiser. He venerates dissociated Promoters and Revealers and allies with them for the war of extermination against the purest. He looks down on everybody else.
Professions: Shaman. Guru. Predicator. Leader of sects. Fundamentalist politician. Leader of resentful minorities.
E.D.: “overwhelmed” and “I’m only trying to help”
S.E.F. (inflated sadness + inflated love) – pride – rage – joy – fear. He is fanatic about monstrous proselytism. He inverts the love-sadness and the joy-rage axes.
He uses –16% of innate energy and forms part of 3% of the population of Constructors.

The Splendour of the Human Being - Preciada Azancot

The Splendour of the Human Being – Preciada Azancot

An extract from the book “THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING” by Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot