Archivo de la etiqueta: Achilles


Extracto del libro “EL ESPLENDOR DE LO HUMANO”,  de Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot

Dimensión dominante: Rector-miedo-tacto, su competencia.
Dimensión desconectada: Vitalizador-rabia-olfato, su talento.
Dimensión prohibida: Sintetizador-tristeza-oído, su vocación.
Dimensiones sanas: Protector-amor-vista.

Tipología MAT Fortificadora por Preciada Azancot

Tipología MAT Fortificadora por Preciada Azancot

Percepción sensorial del Fortificador:
¿QUÉ VAMOS A VER? La figura geométrica que domina la estética Fortificadora es el octógono (rostro, busto, vientre, manos y pies).
Las glándulas que responden al miedo y funcionan con él son las suprarenales, y muy en particular, la secreción de cortisona y de adrenalina que rigen el cuerpo y la manera de ser del Fortificador. La cortisona le produce hinchazón, y el exceso de adrenalina, una posición defensiva ante la vida.
El rostro del Fortificador es por lo general más ancho que lo normal. La piel es lisa y tensa, tersa también. El exceso de agua no deja percibir la osamenta ni el músculo, y los rasgos son desdibujados, muy sutiles. Parecen haber sido dibujados para luego ser difuminados. La frente es lisa y refleja la luz como un espejo. No hay arrugas ni marcas de expresión en el rostro liso y sutil. Los ojos parecen más hundidos que lo normal y tienen poco brillo, como mirando hacia adentro. La boca es algo blanda y se chupa el labio superior. El cabello es fino y poco nutrido, salvo en unos pocos Fortificadores con tendencia innata hacia la conexión Constructora y que tienen un cabello igual de profuso que los Constructores. Pero la inmensa mayoría de los Fortificadores tienen el cabello tan fino como la piel, muy delicada, y se ponen calvos muy precozmente, comenzando por la coronilla. El rostro es proporcionalmente grande.
El cuello es ancho y corto. El cuerpo redondo y con tendencia a la obesidad pues, además de cortisona en exceso, el Fortificador tiene la tristeza prohibida y por lo tanto un bajo funcionamiento de la tiroides y del metabolismo. Además tiene la rabia desconectada y no quema todo lo que podría. El resultado es una gran tendencia a engordar, aunque no coman en exceso. A esa tendencia se añade la gran retención de agua en los tejidos (vientre, pies y manos que se hinchan fácilmente, y gran propensión a sudar en exceso). Hombros delicados y talle algo grueso, estómago y vientre algo prominente, brazos y piernas algo más cortos proporcionalmente al busto.
Las manos y pies, algo anchos, tienen dedos que terminan en punta, mucho más finos que sus bases.
El Fortificador se mueve de manera pausada y retenida, como a cámara lenta. Es algo pesado en sus pisadas. Parece algo torpe corporalmente.
Se viste muy discretamente, como para pasar inadvertido, y cuida su ropa interior, que puede ser de seda natural o de raso. Usa el azul marino y el gris, que son colores discretos aunque sombríos. No le gusta llamar la atención. Cuando está en un grupo, se sitúa al borde de éste o fuera de él.
Tiene la vista muy delicada y es normalmente astígmata. Por fortuna no es un caso frecuente, pero la mayoría de los ciegos son Fortificadores.
El Fortificador es muy hogareño y él inventó la palabra hogar. Le gustan las casas humildes desde el exterior y muy sensuales y ricas en su interior, como los palacios árabes. Acumula muchos objetos porque es un sentimental, y guarda todo el relicario de los abuelos. Además compra muchos tapices orientales, sedas y brocados, maderas y cueros repujados, cobres centellantes. También le gustan las porcelanas y las figuritas. Su casa es por lo general muy recargada y, para los estetas, de gusto dudoso. Tiene predilección por los colores pastel en la decoración. Trata de evitar el negro, pero abunda en la decoración de sus espacios vitales. También colecciona muñecas y peluches y coches de tamaño reducido. Le gustan los jardines intrincados y las fuentes. Adoraría tener un laberinto en su jardín.
El Fortificador es de estatura media y parece algo achaparrado. Los indios peruanos son un prototipo excelente para la estética de esta tipología.

¿QUÉ VAMOS A OÍR? El Fortificador es muy tímido y habla lo menos posible. Cuando lo hace baja mucho el volumen de la voz, que tiene un timbre grave. En fase de disociación la voz se vuelve aflautada y gritona. El ritmo del Fortificador es lento en el hablar y tiene tendencia a repetir las palabras que quiere destacar. Cuando se le hace una pregunta, tarda un tiempo infinito en contestar y lo hace sonrojándose y sintiéndose torpe.
El Fortificador es un ser esencial en todo y le gusta elegir sus palabras. Cuando lo hace, resulta muy impresionista y se le nota que su mundo interior está regido básicamente por sensaciones. No por ideas ni conceptos ni emociones. Por sensaciones. Por eso su lenguaje puede ser tan lindo como un cuadro de Monet. En el pasaje del Principito con el Zorro, éste es un Fortificador tipo que nos puede dar una idea muy precisa y sensorial de esta tipología.
Si bien el Fortificador ha logrado el silencio interior mucho más y mejor que cualquier otra tipología, vive rodeado de una música estridente y agresiva puesta a todo volumen, que él necesita para no pensar. También le gustan el ruido y la agitación de la calle, su escenario natural.
Al Fortificador no le atrae particularmente la cultura, al menos la formalizada. Prefiere la cultura en vivo, haciéndose, en la urbe. Es muy curioso y es el paseante paradigmático. Observa apasionadamente a la gente que lo rodea. Esta es su cultura favorita.
El Fortificador tiene el mejor sentido del humor. Capta el ridículo de las situaciones que nosotros vemos como normales y que, para él, son surrealistas. Cultiva también el humor negro. Cuenta extraordinariamente bien los chistes.

¿QUÉ VAMOS A TOCAR? El Fortificador odia ser tocado y nunca se aventura a tocar a los demás. En esto se entiende bien con Reactivadores. Pero en lo de tocar nada más, porque le horroriza el desbordamiento emocional de los Reactivadores. La piel del Fortificador es húmeda, porque suda mucho. Y la carne es blanda. Si se aprieta la piel, la carne dejará un rastro, unas marcas donde se hundieron los dedos.
Aunque no tiene una sola marca ni arruga, el Fortificador parece siempre más viejo de lo que es. Esto hasta los cincuenta años, a partir de los cuales empieza a rejuvenecer y parecer menor que lo que señala su tarjeta de identidad.
El Fortificador tiene poca tolerancia a las temperaturas extremas y sufre mucho tanto de frío como de calor.
Tiene la piel muy sensible y sufre de erupciones y de alergias con mucha facilidad.

¿QUÉ VAMOS A GUSTAR? Al Fortificador le gusta mucho comer. Come bien y mucho, y él inventó los guisos amorosamente cocidos durante horas a la luz de la lumbre. Le encantan los bizcochos, las magdalenas y todo tipo de pastas. Sabe todo sobre infusiones y licores caseros. Come de todo y evita solamente carnes y pescados crudos, aunque si se les acompaña de adobos y salsas, también los comerá.
El Fortificador es un excelente cocinero, esmerado, amoroso, paciente y algo imaginativo. Le releja cocinar y nunca se pone de mal humor si hay que preparar comida para veinte personas. Es un maestro de la repostería. Y se muere por los dulces. Prefiere renunciar a cenar con tal de comerse dos postres.

¿QUÉ VAMOS A OLER? El Fortificador, como suda mucho, debe lavarse más que el común de las personas. Su piel huele a musgo y a tierra recién mojada por la lluvia tropical. No es muy olfativo, porque tiene la rabia desconectada. Los olores corporales no le suelen repugnar.
En cambio, a él es a quien más gustan los perfumes. Los adora. Los colecciona, así como a todas las esencias para baño y también los inciensos, que quema muy frecuentemente para aromatizar su casa. Regalar un perfume a un Fortificador es acertar a ciegas. Le gustan todos, los florales y los orgánicos, los de hierbas y los de minerales. El fortificador es un gran sensorial y usa con deleite todos y cada uno de sus sentidos. Esa es la base y la raíz de su gran sensualidad.

¿QUÉ VAMOS A PERCIBIR SEXUALMENTE? De entre todas las tipologías, se puede afirmar sin temor a equivocarse que el Fortificador es el mejor de los amantes. Adora hacer el amor y no tiene manías ni preferencias especiales. En general, es básicamente heterosexual, pero puede, por su insaciable curiosidad, tener una o varias relaciones con personas de su mismo sexo. No tiene tabúes.
Es discreto y no va seduciendo a su paso, como lo hace el Promotor. Es bastante fiel cuando está enamorado, al menos, al comienzo de una relación.
Es un amante detallista y paciente, y sabe controlarse y esperar a que su amante tenga todos los orgasmos posibles antes de pensar en sí mismo.
Además le encantan los ritmos lentos y sutiles de estilo oriental y es un adepto del tantrismo aún sin saberlo.
Para él, el sexo es fundamental, y puede perfectamente quedarse con una pareja inadecuada si la sexualidad es satisfactoria. Le gusta el sexo por sí mismo y no necesita, como el Reactivador, estar enamorado para tener relaciones sexuales con alguien que le guste. Y tiene un gusto para el sexo que se parece bastante a su gusto por la comida: le gustan todos los tipos de personas.
Su elección de pareja es muy conservadora. Al Fortificador le aterra enamorarse perdidamente, pues asocia el verdadero y gran amor con la muerte: cree que si se pierde ese gran amor, lo que quedará por hacer será suicidarse. Por lo tanto, se protege del gran amor casándose con personas de su misma tipología. El Fortificador es el único en hacerlo. Tiene tanto miedo a la diferencia -porque asimila la diferencia con conflictos potenciales y con tensiones- que prefiere estar a solas consigo mismo, con una persona igual que él. Casi ningún Fortificador elige a la pareja cósmica para él, a un Legislador. Prefieren evitar riesgos. Luego sueñan con Tristán e Isolda.

Análisis estructural del Fortificador:
La dimensión muy dominante en el Fortificador es el Rector y el miedo. Un Fortificador le tiene miedo prácticamente a todo. Teme el cambio y teme la costumbre, teme a la gente y teme a los animales. Teme las emociones por encima de todo, porque le parece que la gente es irracional y no sabe controlarse. El sí que sabe. Controlarse es lo que mejor sabe hacer. Se controla de tal modo, y pone un rostro tan impasible, que nadie puede jamás adivinar lo que siente. Y odia que se lo pregunten. “Lo normal, todo normal” es su respuesta favorita en esos casos.
Además del miedo auténtico, que él tiene al 100%, tiene miedo en vez de rabia y, también, miedo en vez de tristeza. Con lo cual está casi siempre en esa emoción. Y, por si fuera poco, le gusta ver películas de terror y pisar a fondo el acelerador. Así está en su salsa.
Tiene la rabia desconectada. Si alguien lo agrede o lo manipula, él sentirá miedo. Luego volverá su legítima rabia contra sí mismo y sentirá culpa. El complejo de culpa es un invento Fortificador. Se siente culpable si algo no va bien, si algo falla, si llueve y va acompañado, si alguien se cae, si alguien lo abandona, si saca malas notas. Siempre y en las situaciones más inesperadas. Miedo y culpa son sus dos emociones existenciales.
Considera la rabia grotesca. Es la emoción, además, que menos se puede controlar. Por eso le da horror. La reprime de tal modo, que su necesidad de rabia humana termina por generar una fantasía que lo aterra máximamente: cree que si siente rabia será capaz de asesinar. Cree que lleva a un asesino adentro y por eso no expresa rabia. Ni siquiera se permite sentirla. La remplaza por culpa. O por miedo.
Como su Vitalizador está desconectado, su corporalidad deja mucho que desear: es torpe y lento en sus movimientos. Tiene miedo al ridículo si deja actuar su cuerpo. Por eso pocos hacen deporte y casi ninguno baila. Afortunadamente, hace el amor.
Su Sintetizador y la tristeza los tiene prohibidos. No piensa. Cae en confusión con mucha facilidad y se puede quedar dormido en las situaciones más inverosímiles. A él le entusiasmaría poder entender las causas de todo lo que existe en el mundo. Eso es el Nirvana para él, esa es la meta imposible que ansía lograr, sí, pero a condición de no sentir emociones, y de no recuestionar a sus seres queridos, y de no romper con la rutina ni con lo establecido. O sea, nunca.
Su Protector es muy bueno y es un amigo leal y fiable. Es muy cariñoso, solidario y comprensivo. Siempre y cuando no deba elegir, no deba decir “no”, no deba jugársela por nadie. El amor está intacto, sí, pero condicionado por tanto miedo y tanta culpa, que prefiere dedicarse a otra cosa y rehuye el compromiso.
La alegría, eso sí, es la mejor de sus emociones. Es fantástica siempre y cuando se trate de disfrutar de cada placer. Para eso, es el primero en llegar y el último en marcharse. Pero si se considera la función alta de la alegría, la espiritualidad y la religiosidad, nos encontramos con que el ateo de entre todas las tipologías es precisamente el Fortificador. Ha visto tantos disparates y tanta sangre vertida a nombre de dioses que jamás ha podido tocar personalmente, que prefiere renunciar y pensar que eso de las creencias en dios es cosa de locos y que él está cuerdo y no cree en nada. Aun en los casos más extremos, en fase de culminación, por ejemplo, encontramos el budismo, que no experimenta a dios, sino que tiende a la tristeza total de la desaparición, de la dilución en el Nirvana.
El orgullo, en principio, es una de sus emociones intactas y su Transformador es de buena talla. El Fortificador es muy ocurrente, muy creativo, muy imaginativo. Cierto. Pero el Fortificador no es un auténtico creador, porque carece de dos cosas esenciales para ello: la rabia para descartar rotundamente lo que no sirve y la pasión de jugársela hasta las últimas consecuencias.
En definitiva, el Fortificador tiene la estructura más sólida de entre todas las tipologías, pues se basa en tres dimensiones sanas. Pero el exceso de miedo y la falta de rabia, así como la prohibición de la tristeza (única emoción que permite pensar) reducen el tono y la altura totales. El Fortificador vuela bajo porque si no, le entra el vértigo. Una vez pasada la hiperconexión, se convertirá en un águila y en un titán. Pero eso nos pasa también a todos los demás.

Ingeniería emocional del Fortificador:
(miedo inflado: apocamiento – rabia:culpa –tristeza: fatalismo, derrotismo) +amor +alegría +orgullo.
El Fortificador, que estamos viendo de último y una vez descritas todas las tipologías, ilustra máximamente el absurdo de éstas: he aquí al más fuerte, pues su estructura reposa sobre tres dimensiones sanas, que se siente, se presenta y actúa como si fuera el más débil. La sensación de insignificancia frente a gigantes todopoderosos empapa todo su comportamiento. Aquí el cuento sería el de Gulliver en el país de los gigantes.
En efecto, esa sensación de minusvalía en lo que precisamente es nuestra fortaleza indiscutible: nuestra competencia, nuestro talento, nuestra vocación, que hemos, todos, desarrollado en el útero de nuestra madre, con los míseros medios que estaban a nuestro alcance en un momento y en un lugar donde el otro, la madre, tenía poder de vida y muerte sobre nosotros, debería precisamente hacernos reflexionar y reaccionar.
Sin buscar responsabilidades donde no las hay, y debido a nuestra condición de mamíferos, hemos perdido el contacto con nuestro Centro en un momento en que no teníamos ni siquiera cerebro para pensar. Luego hemos perdido el contacto con nuestros ejes, antes de los cinco meses de gestación. Eso nos ha grabado, muy hondo en nuestra conciencia, nuestra sensación de impotencia ante “poderes” superiores a los nuestros y ante los cuales sólo cabía adaptarse para sobrevivir. Esta es la parte negativa de nuestra memoria prenatal.
Pero está la parte positiva, que no es poca: hemos logrado la hazaña, todos los mamíferos de la tierra, de desarrollar un contrapeso, con nuestros pobres y limitados medios de feto humano, fabricándonos una competencia, un talento y una vocación que nos devuelve la plenitud en el preciso momento de nuestro nacimiento. Es por esa competencia, ese talento y esa vocación que podemos, en un proceso entusiasmante, recuperar nuestros ejes y nuestro Centro y seguir creciendo infinitamente. Pues todos tenemos estos medios para hacerlo.
Lo que pasa es que, por algunas razones que vamos a detallar, no nos hemos podido conservar conectados como en el momento de nuestro nacimiento. Y las principales razones de esto son:
No hemos recibido las respuestas auténticas y amorosas que necesitábamos en nuestra más tierna infancia. Por lo contrario, nos han obligado a identificarnos con nuestra competencia, convirtiéndola en una caricatura que la niega. Nos han arrancado nuestro talento convirtiéndolo en objeto de burla y de escarnio, haciéndonoslo odiar tanto afuera como adentro. Nos han prohibido nuestra vocación, lo que más nos podía realizar, convirtiéndonos en adoradores de ídolos que nos niegan precisamente esa vocación por encima de todas las cosas. Estos son los dioses falsos del olimpo que adoramos cuando estamos en nuestra tipología.
Si bien los padres y los educadores tenemos la mayor responsabilidad en ese desastre, en ese asesinato del cuerpo (competencia), del alma (talento) y del espíritu (vocación), se trata de asumirlo a plenitud y de rectificar mientras es posible, es decir, mientras estamos vivos. Y nosotros, los hijos también, deberemos admitir que, en eso, nuestros padres se quisieron más a sí mismos que lo que nos quisieron a nosotros. Esa es la pura verdad. Cuando no es así estamos conectados de bebé, hiperconectados de niños, trascendidos de jóvenes y culminados de adultos. Ese es el proceso de crecimiento natural, no cuando se ayuda a un infante, sino cuando no se le estorba.
La razón de más peso para que todo ese desastre ocurra es que todos tenemos una tipología que nos hace ver la vida y las cosas de manera invertida a nuestra verdad profunda. Entonces perpetuamos esas visiones “como si” de la realidad y de la verdad se tratara. En vez de nuestro talento, en vez de ser geniales, reaccionaremos con rabia destructiva, atacando esa misma genialidad en los que más nos importan. Y les diremos que “la vida es así” . En vez de nuestra vocación, es decir de nuestra espiritualidad plena que busca el Centro como fuente y destino de nuestro ser, reaccionaremos con fobia, con horror, como si de sacrilegio de tratara. Y es ese el modelaje que vamos a perpetuar y al que llamaremos “educación”.
Y, en fin y sobre todo, el Centro, que todo lo rige y lo ordena para bien, lo remplazamos, no ya por un dios padre que es sólo la proyección de una persona en fase de culminación, limitada, a medio recorrido de su crecimiento, sextidimensional, ese dios padre de las seis religiones reveladas. No, no sólo eso, lo que ya sería trágico, sino que lo remplazamos por nuestro dios arquetipal, esa grotesca caricatura de nuestro propio Mapa desconectado. Y eso es lo que adoramos como dios y eso es lo que ponemos en nuestro Centro en su lugar. Entonces la historia de los hombres, de las familias, de los estados y del mundo es una patética historia de guerra de clanes idolátricos. Una guerra a muerte donde ganar significa perderlo todo. Así está el mundo.
Y así es el talento y la vocación del Fortificador: darse cuenta de ello con tristeza primero, con rabia libertadora después, para acceder al orgullo de ser todo lo que cada uno de nosotros nació para ser. De no asumir ese talento y esa vocación, y convertirla en pánico a la insignificancia personal, en un pánico que ninguno de nosotros tuvo ni siquiera como embrión de un día, no es de extrañar que el más fuerte parezca el más débil, ya que todo, en un mundo tipológico, está al revés.

Creencias arquetipales del Fortificador:
El Fortificador también, cómo no, tiene su dios personal, a quién venera. Se trata de Aquiles. Su cólera estuvo a punto de perder a su ejército. Hijo de un Rey y de una diosa, causa inocente de una riña entre su padre y su madre, donde pierde a su madre y es confiado a un centauro. Bañado por su madre en el río infernal para darle la inmortalidad sin que estas aguas toquen el talón por el cual era mortal y vulnerable. Ser perfecto entrenado en las artes y en la lucha, héroe invencible. Prevenido sobre el peligro de ir a la guerra de Troya, decidió enfrentar el peligro, aunque disfrazándose múltiples veces e imaginando varias tretas para escapar a su destino. Aun con armadura divina es alcanzado por una flecha en el talón y muere.
¡Esto sí que se parece a la historia de las tipologías, siendo el talón de Aquiles nuestra emoción dominante! Pero, claro, si consideramos que la armadura divina es cualquiera de los arquetipos de las tipologías y no el Centro, los ejes y la secuencia, estaremos perdidos, pues “lo que no es” es sólo causa de miedo auténtico. Así no hay escape posible.
Identificado con el héroe Aquiles, el Fortificador tiene también, cómo no, dos creencias existenciales:
El mundo es una jungla (de la cual hay que esconderse bajo el velo invisible).
Nada puede cambiar (de todas maneras te terminan cogiendo).
Su Drama Existencial, D.E.: “Si no fuera por…” Convencido de su impotencia y de su insignificancia, el Fortificador hecha balones afuera para no pensar y así no encontrar opciones y para no sacar rabia y decir no. Así su perenne sentimiento de culpa se mantiene, pues el sentimiento de culpa se basa en la creencia de que siempre hay un culpable. Si no lo encuentra adentro, porque es inocente, lo busca afuera y justifica así su inmovilidad. Si no fuera por los políticos, por la suegra, por el jefe, por los inmigrantes, etc ¡qué fácil sería vivir! Así se queda quieto, y, el más fuerte, se presenta como la mayor víctima impotente.

Perfil psicológico de la tipología Fortificadora:
El Fortificador tiene una cualidad humana tan extraordinariamente alta como el Reactivador. Pero su decisión existencial es la opuesta a la de éste: mientras el Reactivador se lanza a pecho descubierto, ignorando todos los peligros reales, el Fortificador se esconde dentro de su caparazón y exhibe un cartel que reza “aquí no hay nadie, no hay nada”. Donde existe el mayor reservorio de respeto, sensibilidad, fortaleza, sutileza del ser humano, parece haber un gran vacío, un auténtico desierto.
El Fortificador es considerado y respetuoso. Jamás invade el territorio, las pertenencias ni la interioridad de nadie, aunque éste lo invite a ello, como el Promotor o el Reactivador; aunque a éste no le importe, como el Constructor o el Revelador. Él trata a todos como si fueran Legisladores.
Pero no se aplica a sí mismo el mismo tratamiento. Se traga sapos y culebras sin rechistar. Aunque es muy orgulloso y el más sensible de todos, hasta parece a veces que no tiene dignidad. Se le puede, o al menos, los demás así lo creen, decir de todo y en las formas más ordinarias. Porque controla totalmente su rabia, porque es sumamente educado y odia lastimar, todos creen que no tiene ninguna sensibilidad. De niño, a veces tuvo padres brutales que lo maltrataron físicamente y, como no lloriqueaba ni se enfadaba, dedujeron que era masoquista y lo pegaban rutinariamente, para que se quedara tranquilo.
Pero lo que pocos saben es que el Fortificador tiene una memoria de elefante y no olvida una sola cosa que hagan con él. Ni olvida las buenas, por las cuales queda en deuda de por vida, ni olvida las malas. Pero estas últimas sólo le confirman su creencia existencial de que el mundo es una jungla y que todos somos así de desconsiderados.
El Fortificador se ve como el más maduro y realista de todos los humanos. Los demás estamos tan dominados por nuestras pasiones y emociones, que no nos damos cuenta del ridículo en el que nos situamos de continuo. Los demás lo ven como alguien soñador, en las nubes, y muy insensible.
El Fortificador se divierte en la vida más que ninguno de nosotros. Para ello sólo necesita observarnos. Tiene una capacidad de observación fuera de serie y posee un don para la caricatura y un sentido del humor que disuadiría a muchos de intentar dárselas de listo con él. Él rompe sus caricaturas, a menos de estar preconectado y dedicarse a la comicidad, en lo cual es genial. Los demás creen que, sencillamente, no vio nada, no pensó nada. Todos se comportan con él como si fuera transparente. Es lo que el Fortificador más desea por otra parte. Y lo consigue, ¡vaya si lo consigue! Así puede seguir divirtiéndose con el grotesco espectáculo que damos los demás.
El Fortificador no es orgulloso. Mas bien tiende a minusvalorase en todo, salvo en una cosa: está orgulloso de su autocontrol. Él puede poner y pone cara estatuaria e impenetrable, puede controlar sus emociones y sus sensaciones, y hasta el latido de su corazón.
El Fortificador es muy sensible, ya lo vimos, muy sensorial, sí, pero es además sumamente inteligente. No lo manifiesta, a veces por temor a destacarse y a que le encasqueten una responsabilidad o un compromiso, a veces para no herir las espesas inteligencias ajenas.
El mayor reto, la mayor pasión del Fortificador es el control y el entendimiento del tiempo. No del espacio. Porque el espacio, ya decidió, de una vez por todas, no ocuparlo. Por eso su cuerpo protesta y engorda, para ocupar su propio espacio. Pero el tiempo, bajo todas sus formas, es su inquietud existencial. Él alcanzó el silencio interior, ese que todos buscamos y que el Legislador jamás encuentra porque está asediado por diálogos internos. No entiende cómo los demás se agitan y entran en diálogo con figuras fantasmales interiores que les exigen notoriedad, reconocimiento, fama, halagos, afectos, dioses, competiciones. Por ello, el Fortificador se considera el único cuerdo en un mundo de locos. Y agradece a la suerte estar en un mundo tan divertido, donde basta asomarse a una calle, a un tren, a un avión para ver desfilar el zoológico de las pasiones humanas.
El tiempo es vivido por el Fortificador con deleite: segundo a segundo, de manera secuencial en la que cada segundo es único y distinto y, a la vez, como si todo su tiempo de vida y todo el tiempo de la humanidad se pudieran condensar en un solo segundo, único e idéntico a sí mismo. Vale decir que el único en vivir diariamente y hora a hora la ETERNIDAD es el Fortificador. Así como el Reactivador vive paso a paso y hasta en la total inmovilidad la infinitud. Los demás creen, y se irritan por ello, que el Fortificador es una piedra y que jamás cambia en nada.
El Fortificador sufre. Y mucho, además. Sufre por la patanería circundante. Sufre por la brutalidad de todos. Sufre por la injusticia perenne. Sufre por la falta de compasión que hace llorar su corazón tiernísimo. Sufre por las relaciones de poder que parecen enloquecer a todos los humanos. Sufre por las enfermedades, el hambre y las miserias. Y, para aportar lo suyo a la mejora del mundo, con la que sueña, él se conforma con no tener necesidades, con no necesitar nada material, ni emocional, ni mucho menos, espiritual. Es sobrio como un camello y adiestrado en cruzar desiertos, como él. Con la diferencia de que el único oasis que necesita lo lleva puesto: es su coraza, con la que engaña al mundo sobre su supuesta debilidad. Eso es, para un Fortificador, ser fuerte de verdad. Y ser sabio.
Como muestra suprema de su sabiduría, el Fortificador no necesita a dios. Mientras los demás se matan a diario en nombre de dioses a cuál más grotesco, según su visión, él ha decidido que dios jamás existió. No porque el mundo está mal hecho, pues él se divierte un montón viviendo y es muy longevo, sino porque nadie lo necesita. Él ve a dios como al padre o la madre que todos buscamos para ser sus niños protegidos. Él siempre ha sido adulto y tiene un tal recuerdo de su niñez y de sus padres que, francamente, preferiría dejar de vivir antes que volver a esa pesadilla.
La relación que el Fortificador tiene con la rabia es la del más absoluto desprecio. La ve como la falta total de autocontrol, o sea, la decadencia máxima. No realiza para nada que la culpa, con la cual vive minuto a minuto y que cree propia de la existencia “normal”, es rabia no canalizada y revertida contra sí mismo. Cuando se lo dicen, mira con ojos desorbitados por la extrañeza: ¿Se puede vivir sin culpa? ¿Si saca rabia, no saldrá el asesino que guarda en sí? ¿No lo dominará por completo? Y, antes de pensar en la respuesta, huye. “No hay que escuchar a locos”. Y sigue su plácido camino de paseante. Cree que la no violencia es la clave y la solución de todos los males del mundo.
Sin embargo, la tristeza, cree él, es su talón de Aquiles. Ante ella se siente débil y desarmado. No la tolera. En cuanto pierde o se pierde algo, siente terror: si algo se deterioró, si algo se perdió, sucederá la catástrofe que siempre temió: todo se perderá, todo. El mundo entero se acabará. A continuación se siente culpable: fue por su culpa, por no estar suficientemente atento que eso se perdió. Y, tras un agotador autoexamen, al no encontrarse fallo alguno, encuentra a algún culpable afuera y recurre a su Drama Existencial: “Si no fuera por…” y se queda tranquilo.
Como vemos, la vida interior de un Fortificador es muy intensa y rica sólo que no se plasma en nada afuera, y, para los demás, salvo si se trata de un hijo o de algún bebé entrañable, la verdad es que, si no existiera, no se le echaría tampoco de menos. En eso el Fortificador, a quien le gusta llevar la corriente, estaría de acuerdo. De todas formas. vivir es una farsa o un sueño, o un malentendido. Sin más.
Como padre, el Fortificador es maravilloso. No castra ni interfiere en el desarrollo de sus hijos, ni en su originalidad y personalidad. Lo que pasa es que pocos Fortificadores desean tener hijos, por lo del sinsentido de la vida. Y, los que lo desean, tienen espermas tan lentos, tan frenados por el miedo, que no llegan al óvulo. La esterilidad es, las más veces, un fenómeno Fortificador. Necesitan conectar la rabia y la tristeza para remediarla.
Como amo de casa es muy hogareño y le gusta reunir a sus seres queridos en ella. Es detallista, paciente, indulgente, y le encanta la variedad y diversidad de los prototipos humanos. Se come comida casera, muy amorosamente cocinada durante horas y horas. Le gusta la casquería, las lentejas, los platos confitados, los postres sencillos y caseros, y cocina muy bien. No es muy imaginativo y, a veces, es un poco tacaño.
Para él la familia y la tradición, las costumbres son muy importantes. Le dan seguridad y sólo cuenta con ellas en esta jungla que es la vida.
Se suele casar plácidamente con alguien de su misma tipología, con quien no tendrá nunca conflicto alguno, ya que ven la vida de la misma forma. Junto a ella vivirá, si acaso tendrá hijos que adorará, envejecerá, a veces tendrá alguna aventurilla bien exótica y peligrosa, que lo hará valorar aún más su hogar, y morirá. Y eso es todo. Todo termina en donde jamás hubiera debido empezar: en la nada.
Los animales con quien más se le pude identificar son la tortuga y el elefante. Por lo demás, no tiene especial amor por los animales: prefiere el zoológico humano.
Lo único que lo desespera de sí mismo es que, de cuando en cuando, muy raras veces, se ve sumergido por un mar de sensaciones y por un marasmo emocional que le hacen perder el control y temblar, como si de una crisis de epilepsia de tratara. Jamás encontró explicación a eso: es sólo tristeza acumulada, con la cual no quiere entrar en contacto. Él bien sabe que cuando los demás lo obligan a concientizar o a compartir la tristeza, se bloquea, pone la mente en blanco, y no piensa. Si lo obligan a ello, entra en una total confusión. No le gusta pensar. Si se piensa mucho, uno termina pegándose un tiro, así, por las buenas, sin más.
No sabe que ocurre precisamente lo contrario: pensar elimina los problemas. Por eso, la mayoría de los suicidios los cometen los Fortificadores. Y si no lo hacen conscientemente, lo harán quedándose dormidos al volante o pisando el acelerador, lo que les encanta.
Mientras pasa su vida sin pena ni gloria, el Fortificador paga las consecuencias de su decisión de vivirla a media luz: como no quiere pensar ni plantearse problemas, como no expresa rabia, como no tiene vida espiritual su cuerpo le pasa factura y se siente mal. Somatiza los problemas. Como la medicina actual no trabaja sobre las causas de las enfermedades sino sobre sus síntomas, le hacen exámenes y no encuentran nada. Por eso todos dicen que es hipocondríaco. Luego surge un bloqueo renal, o un cáncer linfático “imprevisible”.
Profesiones: Investigador. Caricaturista. Miniaturista. Jardinero. Monje de clausura. Reportero en las guerras. Circo. Payaso. Relojero. Ingeniero. Humorista.

F.E.E.: ( miedo inflado: apocamiento –rabia: culpa –tristeza: fatalismo) +amor +alegría + orgullo.

Fases de evolución tipológica:
Conserva las cualidades de su Mapa: Es fiel, discreto, intimista, amable, soñador, resistente. Es un caricaturista y un humorista nato. Es soñador, secreto, discreto, permisivo, paciente. Es muy agradecido y considerado, sacrificado, maduro, muy inteligente y trabajador. Es detallista, sobrio, austero, puro. Gran sentido de observación. Es capaz de ver lo ridículo de cada magnificación o descalificación. No da consejos a los demás. Es el menos propenso a contraer enfermedades graves ( porque su estructura reposa sobre tres emociones auténticas).
Además, se convierte en persona en toda su magnificencia, la norma y prototipo de lo posible humano. Luchador infatigable y humilde que construye, en el lugar y momento en el que esté, un oasis que sirva de referencia, modelo y norma para los demás. Es un líder auténtico que contagia optimismo y confianza a través del ejemplo personal. Un ser humano que irradia la alegría de la certeza de encontrar la frontera de lo posible y convertir el sueño en realidad. Un juez justo y firme. Un valiente. Un amigo verdadero. El eje y centro de la vida en sociedad.
Se sitúa con algo de recelo en el camino de la hiperconexión y de la trascendencia. Necesita ayuda, guía y modelaje para hacerlo. Se pone en el camino de un Brahms.
Profesiones: Juez. Legislador. Presidente. Poeta. Político. Organizador. Coordinador. Cantante.
F.E.E.: (miedo + rabia + tristeza) + amor + alegría +orgullo.
D.E.: ninguno.
Usa el 80% de energía innata y forma parte del 2% de la población de Fortificadores.

Es un genio de lo absurdo, de lo cómico, de lo caricatural, de lo surrealista. Es el paseante que todo lo ve y lo cuenta a su modo, sintético y percutante. Es un creador discreto y marginal (en el sentido de no estar en ninguna corriente). Vive en su burbuja de cristal.
Pero cree demasiado en el poder de la risa como arma de denuncia y para desenmascarar las injusticias. Teme la confrontación y la violencia. Se culpabiliza con los más manipuladores. Desconfía de todos y de sí mismo más que de todo. Tendencia al alcohol y a la anorexia. No acepta puestos de mando ni de responsabilidad.
Profesiones: Artista. Cómico. Cineasta. Periodista. Caricaturista. Biólogo. Escritor.
F.E.E.: (miedo – rabia (apocamiento) –tristeza (impotencia) ) +amor + alegría +orgullo.
D.E.: “Si no fuera por…” y “sí…pero”.
Usa el 40% de energía innata y forma parte del 15% de la población de Fortificadores.

Corresponde en todo a la descripción del comienzo.
Usa el 30% de energía innata y forma parte del 10% de la población de Fortificadores.

Se atreve a acercarse a los demás, aunque se deja el pellejo en cada encuentro. Está lleno de piedad hacia los que sufren y de severidad consigo mismo. Es tierno y agradecido. Es absolutamente fiable y puede ser un gran artista. Valora la amistad por encima de todas las cosas de este mundo.
Pero es más vulnerable que nunca y es capaz de morir por un amor no correspondido. Sueña con un orden Reactivador conectado, pero no se atreve a creer en él. Es masoquista y elige mal a su entorno. Salva a Reactivadores y a Promotores disociados. Es infeliz y propenso a enfermedades neurológicas (epilepsia, esclerosis múltiple) y renales. No se mueve por temor a dañar. No confía en sí mismo.
Profesiones: Médico. Sacerdote. Confesor. Docente. Misionero. Artista.
F.E.E.: ( miedo inflado: intimidación –rabia:culpa –tristeza: masoquismo) –amor: desconfianza +alegría + orgullo.
D.E.: “Si no fuera por…” y “Sólo trato de ayudarte”.
Usa el 20% de energía innata y forma parte del 55% de la población de Fortificadores.

Es el hombre de confianza ideal para todo dictador, todo inescrupuloso.
Aterrado por un mundo sin amor, que ve como una jungla donde el más fuerte se traga al débil, renuncia a su esencia y se pone al servicio del más cínico. Es trepador, inescrupuloso y envidioso. Sube y luego se estrella aparatosamente. Es adicto a las anfetaminas, a la cocaína y al alcohol. Es propenso al cáncer, a leucemias, a espasmos circulatorios, a accidentes de circulación y a inversiones de patrones sexuales y sociales. Se somete a todas las corrientes de moda. Es hipocondríaco.
Profesiones: Mafioso. Policía inescrupuloso. Político. Corredor de moto, avión o coches.
F.E.E.: (miedo inflado: cobardía – rabia: fanatismo –tristeza: nihilismo) – amor: narcisismo –alegría: sacrilegio –orgullo: proselitismo. Además invierte el eje rabia-alegría.
D.E.: “Si no fuera por…” y “Cheque de goma”.
Usa el 3% de energía innata y forma parte del 15% de la población de Fortificadores.

Es el soldado ideal de un grupo terrorista, es el kamikaze perfecto y el “mártir que muere en guerra santa. Es el verdugo frío de campos de concentración.
Mata a sangre fría y luego come y acaricia a su perro. No siente nada. Sólo lo excita el sadomasoquismo. Es un asesino a sueldo, un funcionario de la muerte, un carcelero. Está deshumanizado. Le encanta dar órdenes dictatoriales y militaristas. Puede sufrir un bloqueo renal o un espasmo coronario o pulmonar mortal. Se puede suicidar con deleite y de manera ritual (harakiri) en nombre de un arcaico y tribal código del honor.
Profesiones: Soldado. Policía de interrogatorios. Político. Verdugo. Mercenario. Kamikaze. Terrorista.
F.E.E.: ( fórmula letal: falso miedo inflado + falso orgullo inflado) e inversión de los dos otros ejes: amor en vez de tristeza: martirio, masoquismo y tristeza en vez de amor: necrofilia + rabia en vez de alegría: sacrilegio y alegría en vez de rabia: fanatismo e idolatría.
D.E.: “Si no fuera por…” y “Defecto”
Usa el –16% de energía innata y forma parte del 3% de la población de Fortificadores.

El Esplendor de lo Humano - Preciada Azancot
Extracto del libro “EL ESPLENDOR DE LO HUMANO”,  de Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot


An extract from the book “THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING” by Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot

Dominant dimension: Rector-fear-touch, his skill.
Disconnected dimension: Vitaliser-anger-smell, his talent.
Prohibited dimension: Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, his vocation.
Healthy dimensions: Protector-love-sight.

Tipología MAT Fortificadora por Preciada Azancot

Tipología MAT Fortificadora por Preciada Azancot

Sensory perception of the Fortifier:

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SEE? The geometrical shape that prevails in the Fortifier’s aesthetic is the octagon (face, bust, stomach, hands and feet).
The glands that respond to fear and that function with it are the suprarenal glands, and very particularly, the secretion of cortisone and adrenalin which govern the Fortifier’s body and way of being. Cortisone causes swelling, and excess adrenalin, a defensive position against life.
The Fortifier’s face is generally wider than normal. The skin, very fine and delicate, is smooth and tense, as well as soft. The excess of infiltrated water, doesn’t allow the bone structure or the muscle to be perceived, and the features are blurred, very subtle. They seem to have been drawn to then blur out. The forehead is smooth and reflects light like a mirror. There are no wrinkles or expression lines on the face, smooth and subtle. The eyes appear more sunken than normal and have little shine, as if looking inwards. The mouth is somewhat soft and he sucks his upper lip. The hair is fine and not very abundant, except in a few Fortifiers with an innate tendency towards the Constructor connection and who have hair just as profuse and thick as Constructors. But the immense majority of Fortifiers have hair as fine as their skin, very delicate, and become bald precociously, starting at the crown. The face is proportionally large.
The neck is wide and short. The body round and with a tendency to obesity since, on top of excess cortisone, the Fortifier has sadness prohibited and therefore a low functioning of the thyroids and the metabolism. Plus he has disconnected rage and doesn’t burn everything that he could. The result is a great tendency to put on weight, even if he doesn’t eat in excess. On top of that tendency, there is the great water retention in the tissues (stomach, feet and hands which swell easily, and a great propensity to sweat excessively). Delicate shoulders and a rather wide waist, rather prominent stomach and belly, arms and legs somewhat shorter proportionally to the bust, and very narrow hips.
The hands and feet, somewhat wide, have fingers that taper towards the top, much finer than at the base.
The Fortifier moves in a slow and restrained manner, as if in slow motion. He is a bit heavy where he treads. He seems a bit clumsy corporally.
He dresses very discretely, as if to go unnoticed, and takes care of his underwear, which can be of natural silk or satin. He uses navy blue and grey, which are discrete although sombre colours. He doesn’t like to draw attention. When he is in a group, he will place himself on its edge or outside of it.
He has very delicate eyesight and normally suffers from astigmatism. Fortunately it is not a frequent case, but most blind people are Fortifiers.
The Fortifier is very homely and he invented the word home. He likes houses that are humble from the outside and very sensual and rich inside, like Arab palaces. He accumulates a lot of objects because he is sentimental, and keeps the grandparents’ locket. Plus he buys a lot of oriental carpets, silks and brocades, wood and embossed leathers, glittering coppers. He also likes porcelains and figurines. His house in general is overloaded and, for aesthetes, of dubious taste. He has a predilection for pastel colours in decoration. He tries to avoid black, but it is abundant in the decoration of his living spaces. He likes navy blue. He also collects dolls, cuddly toys and miniature cars. He likes intricate gardens, bonsais and fountains. He would love to have a maze in his garden.
The Fortifier is of medium stature and looks a bit stocky. Peruvian Indians are an excellent prototype to give an idea of this typology’s aesthetic.

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO HEAR? The Fortifier is very timid and speaks as little as possible. When he does, he lowers the volume of his voice, which has a deep timbre. In the dissociation phase, the voice becomes fluted and screechy. The Fortifier’s rhythm in speaking is slow and he has a tendency to repeat the words he wishes to emphasise. When asked a question, he takes an infinite time to answer and does so blushing and feeling clumsy.
The Fortifier is an essential being in everything and he likes to choose his words. When he does, he is very impressionistic and one can see that his inner world is basically governed by sensations. Not by ideas, or concepts, or emotions. By sensations. That’s why his language can be as fine as a painting by Monet. In the passage of the Little Prince with the Fox, the latter is a standard Fortifier who can give us a very precise and sensorial idea of this typology.
Although the Fortifier has achieved inner silence much more and better than any other typology, he lives surrounded by strident and aggressive music at full volume, which he needs in order not to think. He also likes the noise and agitation of the street, since concrete is his natural setting.
The Fortifier is not particularly attracted by culture, at least formalised. He prefers live culture, in the making, in the city. He is very curious and is the stroller par excellence. He passionately observes the people who surround him. This is his favourite source of culture.
The Fortifier has the best sense of humour. He captures the ridiculous side of situations that we see as normal and that, for him, are surrealistic. He also cultivates black humour. He tells jokes extraordinarily well.

The Fortifier hates being touched and never dares to touch other people. In that he gets on well with Reactivators. But only where touching is concerned, because he is horrified by Reactivators’ emotional outpourings. The Fortifier’s skin is damp, because he sweats a lot. And the flesh is soft. If you press his skin, the flesh will be marked, with white marks where the fingers sunk in.
Although he doesn’t have a single blemish or wrinkle, the Fortifier always seems older than he is. That is up to the age of fifty, when he starts rejuvenating and looking younger than it says on his identity card.
The Fortifier is not very tolerant of extreme temperatures and suffers a lot from both the cold and the heat.
He has very sensitive skin and suffers from skin eruptions and allergies very easily.

The Fortifier loves eating. He eats a lot and well, and he invented stews cooked lovingly for hours over the fireplace. He loves sponge cakes, and fairy cakes and all sorts of pastas. He knows everything about home-made liqueurs and infusions and also about jams and crystallized fruit. He eats everything avoiding only raw meat and fish, although if they are accompanied with seasoning and sauces, he will also eat them. He often chooses to be a vegetarian.
The Fortifier is an excellent cook, careful, loving, patient and fairly imaginative. It relaxes him to cook and he never gets bad tempered if food must be prepared for twenty people. He is a master of confectionery. And he dies for sweets. He prefers to refuse to have dinner as long as he can eat two desserts.

The Fortifier, since he sweats a lot, has to wash more than the average person. His skin smells of moss and of earth recently wet by tropical rain. He is not very olfactory, because his rage is disconnected. Body odours don’t tend to disgust him.
However, he is the one who most likes perfumes. He adores them. He collects them, as well as all essences for the bath and also incense, which he frequently burns to scent his home. Giving a Fortifier a perfume as a gift is to get it right for certain. He likes all of them, floral and organic, herbal and mineral. The Fortifier is very sensory and uses each and every one of his senses with delight. That is the base and root of his enormous sensuality.

Of among all the typologies, it can be said without fear of error, that the Fortifier is the best of lovers. He loves making love and has no manias or special preferences. In general, he is basically heterosexual, but can, out of his insatiable curiosity, have one or several relations with people of his own sex. He has no taboos.
He is discrete and doesn’t seduce wherever he goes, like the Promoter. He is fairly faithful when he is in love, at least in the beginning of a relationship.
He is a meticulous and patient lover, and knows how to control himself and wait for his lover to have as many orgasms as possible before thinking of himself.
Plus he loves the slow and subtle rhythms of the oriental style and is adept at tantra even without knowing it.
For him, sex is fundamental, and he can remain with an unsuitable partner perfectly well as long as sex is satisfactory. He likes sex in itself and doesn’t need, like the Reactivator, to be in love in order to have sexual relations with somebody that he likes. And he has a taste for sex that fairly resembles his taste for food: he likes all types of people.
His choice of partner is very conservative. The Fortifier is terrified of falling hopelessly in love, since he associates the true and great love with death: he believes that if he loses that great love, all he will have left to do is commit suicide. Therefore, he protects himself from that great love by marrying people of his same typology. The Fortifier is the only one to do so. He is so afraid of difference, because he associates difference with potential conflicts and tensions, that he prefers to be alone with himself, with somebody just like him. Almost no Fortifier chooses his cosmic partner, a Legislator. He prefers to avoid risks. Then he dreams of Tristan and Isolde.

Structural analysis of the Fortifier:
The very dominant dimension in the Fortifier is the Rector and fear. A Fortifier is afraid of practically everything. He is afraid of change and he is afraid of habit, he is afraid of people and he is afraid of animals. He is afraid of the emotions above all, because it seems to him that people are irrational and don’t know how to control themselves. He does. Controlling himself is what he knows how to do best. He controls himself in such a way, and puts on such an impassive face, that nobody can ever guess what he feels. And he hates people asking him. “The usual, as normal” is his favourite reply in such cases.
On top of authentic fear, which he has at 100%, he experiences fear instead of rage, and also, fear instead of sadness. Meaning that he is almost always in that emotion. And, as if that were not enough, he loves to watch horror movies and to press hard on the accelerator. That way he’s in his element.
His rage is disconnected. If somebody attacks or manipulates him, he will feel fear. Then he will turn his legitimate rage against himself and will feel blame. The guilt complex is a Fortifier’s invention. He feels guilty if something doesn’t go well, if something goes wrong, if it rains and he is with somebody, if somebody trips over, if somebody leaves him, if he gets bad results. Always and in the most unexpected situations. Fear and guilt are his two existential emotions.
He finds rage grotesque. Plus, it is the emotion that can least be controlled. That’s why it horrifies him. He represses it in such a way, that his need for human rage ends up generating a fantasy that terrifies him in the extreme: he believes that if he feels rage he will be capable of assassinating. He believes that he carries an assassin inside and that is why he doesn’t express rage. He doesn’t even allow himself to feel it. He replaces it with guilt. Or with fear.
Since his Vitaliser is disconnected, his corporality leaves a lot to be desired: he is clumsy and slow in his movements. He is afraid of being ridiculous if he allows his body to act. That’s why few practice sport and almost none dance. Fortunately, they make love.
His Synthesiser and sadness are prohibited. He doesn’t think. He very easily falls into confusion and can fall asleep in the most unlikely situations. He would love to be able to understand the causes of everything that exists in the world. That is Nirvana for him, that is the impossible goal that he is anxious to reach, yes, but on condition of not feeling the emotions, of not questioning his loved ones, and of not breaking with routine or what is established. In other words, never.
His Protector is very good, and he is a loyal and reliable friend. He is very kind, supportive and understanding. On condition that he doesn’t have to choose, doesn’t have to say “no”, doesn’t have to put his neck on the line. Love is intact, yes, but conditioned by so much fear and so much guilt, that he prefers to dedicate himself to something else and flees commitment.
Joy, yes, is the best of his emotions. It is fantastic whenever it’s a question of enjoying every pleasure. In that, he is the first to arrive and the last one to leave. But if we consider the high function of joy, spirituality and religiousness, we find that the biggest atheist of all the typologies is precisely the Fortifier. He has seen so much foolishness and so much blood spilled in the name of gods that he has never been able to touch personally, that he prefers to renounce and to think that all that about believing in god is for madmen and that he is sane and doesn’t believe in anything. Even in the most extreme cases, in the culmination phase, for example, we find Buddhism, which does not experience god, but tends towards the total sadness of disappearing, the dilution in Nirvana.
Pride, in principle, is one of his intact emotions and his Transformer is of a good size. The Fortifier is very witty, very creative, very imaginative. True. But the Fortifier is not an authentic creator, because he lacks two essential things for it: the rage to emphatically discount what is no good and the passion to put his neck on the line down to the last consequences, in other words, radicalism and the thirst for the absolute.
For certain, the Fortifier has the most solid structure of all the typologies, since it is based on three healthy dimensions. But the excess of fear and the lack of rage, as well as the prohibition of sadness (the only emotion that allows us to think) reduce the overall tone and stature. The Fortifier flies low, because otherwise he gets vertigo. Once he has passed hyperconnection, he will become an eagle and a titan. But that also happens to the rest of us.

Emotional engineering of the Fortifier:
(inflated fear: timidity – disconnected rage: guilt – sadness: fatalism, defeatism) + love + joy + pride.
The Fortifier, whom we are looking at last after describing all the other typologies, best illustrates the absurdity of them all: here is the strongest, since his structure rests on three healthy dimensions, who feels, presents himself and acts as if he were the weakest. The sensation of insignificance in the face of omnipotent giants impregnates his entire behaviour. Here the story would be of Gulliver in the kingdom of giants.
Indeed, that sensation of being handicapped in what is precisely our unquestionable strength: our skill, our talent, our vocation, which we have, all of us, developed in our mother’s uterus, with the miserly means within our reach in a time and place where the other, our mother, had the power of life or death over us, should precisely make us reflect and react.
Without looking for responsibility where it doesn’t exist, and due to our condition of mammals, we have lost contact with our Centre at a time when we didn’t even have a brain to think.
But there is the positive side, which is no small feat: we have managed, all of the earth’s mammals, to develop a counterweight, with our scarce and limited resources as a human foetus, to manufacture ourselves a skill, a talent, and a vocation that give us back our plenitude at the precise moment of our birth. The Fortifier remained attached to that memory which he transforms into existential nostalgia.
It is that above all else which it terrifies the Fortifier to think about, because if he allowed himself to do so, he would go direct to the cause and solution of the problems, and then stop being passive.
And that is the talent and vocation of the Fortifier: to realise this first with sadness, then with liberating rage, to access the pride of being everything that each one of us was born to be. If that talent and vocation is not assumed, and transformed into a panic of personal insignificance, into a panic that none of us had even as a one-day old embryo, it is not surprising that the strongest should appear the weakest, since everything, in a typological world, is upside down.

Archetypal beliefs of the Fortifier:
The Fortifier, as could not be otherwise, also has his own personal god, whom he venerates. It is Achilles. His rage was about to lose his army. Son of a king and a goddess, he is the innocent cause of a dispute between his father and his mother, where he loses his mother and is entrusted to a centaur. Bathed by his mother in an infernal river to make him immortal, these waters did not touch the heel through which he is mortal and vulnerable. Perfectly trained in the arts and in combat, he was an invincible hero. Warned of the danger of going to war in Troy, he decided to confront the danger, although disguising himself several times and concocting several stratagems to escape his destiny. Even with his divine armour he was reached by an arrow to his heel and died.
This certainly resembles the history of the typologies, the Achilles’ heel being our dominant emotion! But, of course, if we consider that the divine armour is any of the archetypes of the typologies and not the Centre, the axes and the sequence, we will be lost, since “what is not” is a cause only of authentic fear. That way there is no possible escape.
Identified with the hero Achilles, the Fortifier also has, as could not be otherwise, two existential beliefs:
The world is a jungle (from which we have to hide beneath the veil of invisibility).
Nothing can change (you end up being caught anyway).
His Existential Drama E.D. is: “If it weren’t for…” Convinced of his impotence and insignificance, the Fortifier passes the buck so as not to think and thereby not find options so as not to express rage and say no. That way he maintains his perennial feeling of blame, since the feeling of blame is based on the belief that there is always a culprit. If he doesn’t find one within, because he is innocent, he searches for one outside and thereby justifies is immobility. If it weren’t for the politicians, for his mother in law, for the boss, for immigrants, etc., how easy living would be! That way he remains still, and, the strongest, presents himself as the greatest impotent victim.

Psychological profile of the Fortifier typology:
The Fortifier has a human quality as extraordinarily high as the Reactivator’s. But his existential decision is the opposite to the latter’s: whereas the Reactivator boldly takes the plunge, ignoring all the real dangers, the Fortifier hides inside his shell and displays a banner that reads “there is nobody, there is nothing in here”. Where the greatest reserve of respect, sensitivity, strength, and subtlety of the human being exists, there seems to be a great void, an authentic desert.
The Fortifier is considerate and respectful. He never invades the territory, belongings or inner being of anybody, even if he is invited to do so, like the Promoter or the Reactivator; even if the other doesn’t mind, like the Constructor or the Revealer. He treats everybody as if they were Legislators.
But he doesn’t apply the same treatment to himself. He swallows bullshit without complaining. Although he is very proud and the most sensitive of all, it even seems sometimes that he has no dignity. He can be told, or at least everybody else thinks that way, anything and in the crudest ways. Because he totally controls his anger. Because he is exceedingly polite and hates to hurt anyone, everybody believes that he has no sensitivity. As a child, he sometimes had brutal parents who abused him physically and, since he didn’t cry or get angry, they deduced that he was a masochist and would routinely beat him, so that he would remain calm.
But what few know is that the Fortifier has the memory of an elephant and doesn’t forget a single thing that is done to him. He doesn’t forget the good things, for which he remains indebted for life, or forget the bad ones. But the latter only confirm his existential belief that the world is a jungle and that we are all that inconsiderate.
The Fortifier sees himself as the most mature and realistic of all human beings. The rest of us are so dominated by our passions and emotions, that we do not realise the ridiculous situations in which we continuously find ourselves. Others see him as a dreamer, in the clouds, and very insensitive.
The Fortifier has more fun in life than any of the rest of us. To do this he only needs to observe us. He has an outstanding capacity of observation and a gift for caricature and a sense of humour that would dissuade many from playing clever with him. He tears up his caricatures, unless he is pre-connected and works as a comedian, at which he is brilliant. Others believe that, simply, he didn’t see anything, he didn’t think anything. Everyone behaves with him as if he were transparent. That is what the Fortifier most wants on the other hand. And he achieves it, doesn’t he just! That way he can continue to have fun with the grotesque show that the rest of us put on.
The Fortifier is not proud. He rather tends to undervalue himself in everything, except in one thing: he is proud of his self-control. He can and does put on a statue-like and impenetrable face, he can control his emotions and his sensations, and even the beat of his own heart.
The Fortifier is very sensitive, as we already saw, very sensory, yes, but also extremely intelligent. He doesn’t express it, sometimes out of fear of standing out and being saddled with a responsibility or a commitment, sometimes so as not to offend others’ dimwittedness.
The greatest challenge, the greatest passion of the Fortifier is to control and understand time. Not space. Because space, he already decided, for once and for all, not to occupy. That’s why his body protests and puts on weight, in order to occupy its own space. But time, in all its forms, is his existential preoccupation. He achieved inner silence, that silence that we all seek and that the Legislator never finds because he is besieged by internal dialogues. He doesn’t understand how others become agitated and enter into dialogue with internal ghostly figures who demand from them notoriety, recognition, fame, compliments, affection, gods, competitions. For this reason, the Fortifier considers himself to be the only sane person in a world of madmen. And he is grateful for the luck of being in such an entertaining world, where it is sufficient to take a peek at a street, a train, a plane in order to watch the procession of the zoo of human passions.
Time is experienced by the Fortifier with delight: second by second, sequentially, in which each second is unique and different and, at the same time, as if all of his lifetime and all of humanity’s time could be condensed into a single second, unique and identical to itself. It can be said that the only one to experience INMORTALITY day by day and hour by hour is the Fortifier. Just as the Reactivator experiences infinity step by step and even in total immobility. Others believe, and are irritated by it, that the Fortifier is a rock and never changes in anything.
The Fortifier suffers. Moreover, a lot. He suffers for the surrounding loutishness. He suffers for everyone’s brutality. He suffers for perennial injustice. He suffers for the lack of compassion that makes his extremely tender heart weep. He suffers for the relationships of power that appear to drive all humans mad. He suffers for diseases, hunger and miseries. And, in order to do his bit to improve the world, the one he dreams of, he conforms himself with not having any needs, with not needing anything material, or emotional, or much less spiritual. He is sober as a camel and trained in crossing deserts, like one. With the difference that he carries the only oasis that he needs on him: it is his armour, which he uses to deceive the world about his alleged weakness. That is, for the Fortifier, being truly strong. And being wise.
As a supreme display of his wisdom, the Fortifier doesn’t need god. While others kill themselves daily in the name of increasingly grotesque gods, in his view, he decided that god never existed. Not because the world is badly made, since he has loads of fun living and is very long-lived, but because nobody needs him. He sees god as the father or the mother that we all search for to be their protected children. He has always been an adult and has such a memory of his childhood and of his parents that, frankly, he would prefer to stop living before returning to that nightmare.
The relationship that the Fortifier has with rage is one of total scorn. He sees it as a total lack of self-control, in other words, maximum decadence. He doesn’t realise at all that the guilt, with which he lives minute by minute and believes is inherent of “normal” existence, is anger unchannelled and reverted against himself. When he is told this, his eyes pop out of their orbits in amazement: Is it possible to live without guilt? If he displays rage, will he not let out the assassin inside? Won’t it dominate him completely? And, before thinking about the answer, he flees. “One shouldn’t listen to madmen”. And he continues his placid stroller’s walk. He believes that non-violence is the key and the solution to all the world’s evils.
However, sadness, he believes, is his Achilles’ heel. In the face of it he feels weak and disarmed. He cannot tolerate it. As soon as he loses anything or anything is lost, he feels terror: if something deteriorated, if something was lost, the catastrophe he always feared will happen: everything will be lost, everything. The whole world will end. Then he feels guilty: it was his fault, for not being sufficiently alert that thing was lost. And following an exhaustive self-examination, and not finding any fault with himself, he finds a culprit outside and resorts to his Existential Drama: “If it weren’t for…” and calms down.
As we can see, the Fortifier’s inner life is very intense and rich except that it isn’t reflected in anything outside, and, for others, unless it is a dear child or a baby, the truth is, that if he didn’t exist, he wouldn’t be missed. With that the Fortifier, who likes to follow the crowd, would agree. In any case living is a farce or a dream, or a karmic misunderstanding. Nothing more.
As a parent, the Fortifier is marvellous. He doesn’t castrate or interfere in his children’s development, or in their originality and personality. What happens is that few Fortifiers wish to have children, because of the lack of meaning of life. And, those who do, have such slow sperm, so curbed by fear, that they don’t reach the ovule. Sterility is, more often than not, a Fortifier phenomenon. They need to connect rage and sadness to resolve it.
As a house owner he is very homely and likes to gather his loved ones inside. He is attentive to detail, patient, indulgent, and loves to see the variety and diversity of human prototypes. Home-made food is eaten, cooked very lovingly for hours and hours. He likes offal, lentils, candied dishes, simple home-made desserts, and cooks very well. He is not very imaginative, and, sometimes, a bit mean.
For him the family, tradition, and customs are very important. They give him safety and he only counts on them in this jungle of a life.
He tends to placidly marry somebody of his own typology, with whom he will never have any conflict, since they see life the same way. He will live by her side, perhaps have children whom he will adore, age, occasionally have a very exotic and dangerous affair, which will make him value his home even more, and will die. And that’s all. Everything ends where it never should have started: in nothing.
The animals he can best be identified with are the tortoise and the elephant. Otherwise, he doesn’t have a particular love for animals: he prefers the human zoo.
The only thing that despairs him about himself is that, from time to time, very rarely, he feels overwhelmed by a wave of sensations and an emotional paralysis that make him lose control and start to shake, as if it were an epileptic attack. He never found an explanation for that: it is only accumulated sadness, which he doesn’t wish to make contact with. He knows well that when others oblige him to become conscious of or share his sadness, he becomes blocked, his mind goes blank and he doesn’t think. If he is forced to do so he will enter total confusion. He doesn’t like to think. If one thinks a lot, one ends up shooting oneself in the head, for no reason, just like that.
He doesn’t know that precisely the opposite happens: thinking eliminates problems. That is why, most suicides are committed by Fortifiers. And if they don’t do so consciously, they will do so by falling asleep at the wheel or treading hard on the accelerator, which they love doing.
As their life passes by without pain or glory, the Fortifier pays the consequences of deciding to live it in a half light: since he doesn’t want to think or resolve problems, since he doesn’t express rage, since he has no spiritual life his body makes him pay the price and he feels bad. He somatises problems. Since current medicine doesn’t work on the causes of diseases but on their symptoms, they examine him and don’t find anything. That’s why everybody says that he is a hypochondriac. Then a kidney failure or “unforeseeable” lymphatic cancer appears.
Professions: Researcher. Caricaturist. Miniaturist. Gardener. Cloister monk. War reporter. Circus. Clown. Watchmaker. Engineer. Humorist.

S.E.F.: (inflated fear: timidity – rage: guilt – sadness: fatalism) + love + joy + pride.

Phases of typological evolution:
He retains the qualities of his Map: he is faithful, discrete, intimate, kind, dreamy, and resistant. He is a born caricaturist and humorist. He is dreamy, secret, discrete, permissive, and patient. He is very grateful and considerate, self-sacrificing, mature, very intelligent and hardworking. He is attentive to detail, sober, austere, pure. Great sense of observation. He is capable of seeing the ridiculous of every magnification or disqualification. He doesn’t give others advice. He is the least prone to contracting serious diseases (because his structure rests on three authentic emotions).
Plus, he becomes a person in all his magnificence, the standard and prototype of what is humanly possible. A tireless and humble fighter who builds, in whatever time and place he is, an oasis that serves as a reference, model and norm for everybody else. He is an authentic leader who spreads optimism and trust through personal example. A human being who irradiates the certainty of finding the barrier of what is possible and making dreams a reality. A fair and firm judge. Brave. A true friend. The axis and centre of life in society.
Sometimes he places himself reluctantly on the path to hyperconnection and transcendence. He needs help, guidance and a model to do so. He places himself on the path of a Brahms.
Professions: Judge. Legislator. President. Poet. Politician. Organiser. Coordinator. Singer.
S.E.F.: (fear + rage + sadness) + love + joy + pride.
E.D.: none.
He uses 80% of innate energy and forms part of 2% of the population of Fortifiers.

He is a genius of the absurd, of what is comic, a caricature, surrealistic. He is the passer-by who sees everything and tells it in his own way, synthetic and striking. He is a discrete and marginal creator (in the sense of not belonging to any trend). He lives in his glass bubble.
But he believes too much in the power of laughter as a weapon for denouncing and unmasking injustice. He fears confrontation and violence. He feels guilty with the most manipulative. He mistrusts everyone and himself more than anything. Prone towards alcohol and anorexia. He doesn’t accept positions of control or responsibility. And if he does accept them, he distances himself from them, he bends over, because he doesn’t dare to express rage or to expresses sadness for losing essential and sensitive parts of life.
Professions: Artist. Comedian. Film-maker. Journalist. Caricaturist. Biologist. Writer.
S.E.F.: (fear – rage (timidity) – sadness (impotence)) + love + joy + pride.
E.D.: “If it weren’t for…” and “yes… but”.
He uses 40% of innate energy and forms part of 15% of the population of Fortifiers.

He corresponds in everything to the description at the beginning.
He uses 30% of innate energy and forms part of 10% of the population of Fortifiers.

He dares to approach others, although he leaves his skin in every encounter. He is full of mercy towards those who suffer and of severity towards himself. He is tender and grateful. He is absolutely reliable and can be a great artist. He values friendship above everything else in this world.
But he is more vulnerable than ever and is capable of dying for a love not corresponded. He dreams with a connected Reactivator order, but doesn’t dare to believe in it. He is masochistic and chooses those around him badly. He rescues dissociated Reactivators and Promoters. He is unhappy and prone to neurological (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis) and kidney diseases. He doesn’t move for fear of hurting. He doesn’t trust himself.
Professions: Doctor. Priest. Confessor. Teacher. Missionary. Artist.
S.E.F.: (inflated fear: intimidation – rage: guilt – sadness: masochism) – love: mistrust + joy + pride.
E.D.: “If it weren’t for…” and “I’m only trying to help you”.
He uses 20% of innate energy and forms part of 55% of the population of Fortifiers.

In this phase, his back is turned on his real self, and what is even more alarming, he believes that he is in top form and very dynamic. He feels joy at fleeing forward instead of sadness for now losing everything that is saveable and valuable in life. Also, and this is the greatest evidence that he has his back turned on his being, he becomes cynical with the best and shows off about being the “sceptical” realist instead of being ashamed of it, since placing one’s own stature and the measure of what one is capable of understanding as a barrier and benchmark of what is possible and imaginable is bordering on pathetic, especially in somebody so little inclined to arrogance, in somebody of such a patient and human nature.
In the hypothetical case of being 100% in Promoter pre-dissociation, we would have the following absurd scenario:
The ideal henchman for any dictator, anyone without scruples.
Terrified by a world without love, which he sees as a jungle where the strongest swallow the weakest, he renounces his essence and puts himself at the service of the most cynical. He is an unscrupulous and envious social climber. He rises and then crashes spectacularly. He is addicted to amphetamines, cocaine and alcohol. He is prone to cancer, leukaemia, circulatory spasms, traffic accidents and inversions of sexual and social patterns. He submits to all the fashionable trends. He is a hypochondriac.
Professions: Mafiosi. Unscrupulous policeman. Politician. Motorcycle, plane or car racer.
S.E.F.: (inflated fear: cowardice – rage: fanaticism – sadness: nihilism) – love: narcissism – joy: sacrilege – pride: proselytism. Plus he inverts the joy-rage axis.
E.D.: “If it weren’t for…” and “Rubber cheque”.
He uses 3% of innate energy and forms part of 15% of the population of Fortifiers.

This phase is the most tremendous and damaging since, on top of having is back turned on his being, the person is pre-psychotic, immerse in his “lethal formula” of false fear (instead of rage) plus false pride (of accepting as the norm what is most inverted and profaning the surroundings, so as to feel “safe”.
In the improbable case of being 100% like this, we would have the following profile: Although it is necessary to clarify that there are dissociated people who damage themselves exclusively inwards and others do so more outwards, damaging preferably others:
He is the ideal soldier of a terrorist group, the perfect kamikaze and the “martyr” who dies in the holy war. He is the cold executioner of the concentration camps.
He kills in cold blood and then eats and strokes his dog. He doesn’t feel anything. He is only excited by sadomasochism. He is a contract killer, a civil servant of death, a jailer. He is dehumanised. He loves giving dictatorial and militaristic orders. He can suffer a kidney failure or mortal heart or lung spasm. He can commit suicide with pleasure and in a ritual manner (hara-kiri) in the name of an archaic and tribal code of honour.
Professions: Soldier. Interrogator. Politician. Executioner. Mercenary. Kamikaze. Terrorist.
S.E.F.: (lethal formula: false inflated fear + false inflated pride) and inversion of the other two axes: love instead of sadness: martyrdom, masochism and sadness instead of love: necrophilia + rage instead of joy: sacrilege and joy instead of rage: fanaticism and idolatry.
E.D.: “If it weren’t for…” and “Defect”
He uses–16% of innate energy and forms part of 3% of the population of Fortifiers.

The Splendour of the Human Being - Preciada Azancot

An extract from the book “THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING” by Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot


The emotional development of the nursing infant, baby and child requires, simply, having authentic answers to his physical and emotional needs. These needs are fairly more demanding than would be necessary if we were not all mammals, the mammalian condition being the highest and most valued of our earthly condition.

We are all born, as we already saw, with a personality that is the product of our mother’s dominant emotion during our gestation. That personality, mask that hides the being, has three structural and emotional anomalies that are going to condition our relationship with our environment, making us petitioners for three types of attention and care that are the result of our three anomalies. Let’s take a look:
We are all born with one structure and its corresponding emotion as well as its sense, as dominant. We will be more proud or loving or joyful, or safe or sensible or vital than the average, because that structure was the one that we exercised in a prevailing manner during our intrauterine life. That faculty that characterises us we will call our skill. As we already saw in the first chapter, each structure has several skills and two functions, one basic and another transcendent, and for us, for each one of us, it will be easy and pleasurable to constantly unfold the range of skills and virtues corresponding to our dominant structure, emotion and sense. These are things that we can do with flying colours. It is also true that when we are hurt there, we have fewer defences and can break for that apparent fortitude. Because when we see ourselves attacked or unattended, and, to make matters worse, questioned in our dominant emotion, we feel as though the ground on which we walk with so much ease has been taken away from beneath us. Then we feel that “our right to exist and be different” and valuable for our difference is questioned. This proves that our skill is also or Achilles’ heel, our weak point. In MAT, we define the skill as the “innate dexterity that will be developed throughout our life in order to obtain acceptance and social status. The skill makes us into specialists convinced of having a mission in life, around that recurring standard that ends up forming a behavioural pattern and a narcissistic vision of life”. According to our research, the skill mobilises 20% of useful innate energy. The skill conditions our corporality and the health of our body.
We are all born, also, with a strong compensatory structure that makes us superior and more genial than what is normal. That will be our talent. In MAT, we define the talent as the “innate capacity that sustains the expression of the basis and foundation of the integral being, unique and surprising in its expressions, which borders on genius and which mobilises the subject’s capacity for innovation and growth.” According to our research, the talent mobilises 40% of the person’s innate energy and sustains and manages the skill. Through our talent we can surprise ourselves and surprise the world. It is our strong point, because it is the one that, brilliantly, we have located and trained as a counterpoint that sustains our entire structure and compensates the possible inflation of our skill. In difficult and almost concentration camp-like moments, it is the emotion and the structure and the sense that will allow us to resist all the blows of life, and to emerge, like the phoenix, from the worst tests. It is the dimension of ours through which we refuse to be members of the mob, the one that gives tranquil and serene testimony of the greatness of the human being. If there is any initial geniality for which we could stand out and transform the world it is through the talent that needs to show itself. We will not have any vital needs to be supported or recognised for our talent but we will notice that when we are not connected to it we feel empty and aimless in life, as if we had lost our authenticity. We are false and we perceive the falsehood of the world and of our life when our life is not based on our talent. It is the salt of our life. The talent conditions our mental life.
Our third peculiarity conditions our spiritual life and has an even higher hierarchy in our personal scale of values. It is the structure, emotion and sense that sequentially follows our “forced” skill and the one that represents liberation from maternal pressure during our intrauterine life, rage in the case of the child we used in our example. It is returning to our freedom to be ourselves and to travel in our universal sequential order, which is the minimum stage that our structural order has for any mammal. And also for any element of creation that has more than two dimensions. It is our vocation, not our “mission” which arises precisely from the narcissism of our skill when it is inverted and badly focused. We define the vocation in MAT as “The excellence exclusive to each person, conferring on them their plenitude and maximum potency, the expression of which is marked by dedication, commitment, caring and enthusiastic impact on others and that mobilises their capacity for self-fulfilment”. MAT shows that our vocation mobilises 80% of the person’s innate useful energy. Management of the talent necessarily precedes that of the vocation which represents the pinnacle of self-fulfilment when an individual.
The vocation shows us our peculiar idea of God and is gestated in our mother’s womb from our first day of life, and is destabilised as of the first month of gestation, as soon as the umbilical cord is formed. Then, the contact with the Centre, source of all that is possible in any time and place, connects us, not only to our limited six-dimensional order, but also to the order of the dimensions that us, humans, do not possess on this earth. The Centre connects us to the PERFECT ORDER of all possible evolution of all our dimensions and potentialities, and, also and above all, connects us to what we never will have and that loves us and shelters us. It is what we preserve, in our entire being, of what we perceive at one day of being fertilised and that gradually fades during our gestation due to the problems that we already mentioned. The Centre becomes like an intermittent light, increasingly blurred, confused and unreachable, as we transform into people distant from what we are made to be: human beings. At certain times we gain access to contact with the Centre, then we live in the glory and in the splendour, at times our mother’s being occupies the Centre, and then we experience an idolatrous, symbiotic and amputated vision of our finality. Sometimes, as a defensive reaction, we place our own being in the Centre and we yield to the ridicule of believing ourselves God, and, since we are aware of our banality and of our vulnerability, believing ourselves one of the gods, a result of the fragmentation and atomisation of the Centre. From this fragmented vision the concept of Archetypes and divinities is formed, from the fragmentation of those archetypes the concept of myths is born, from the fragmentation of these is born the concept of heroes, and from the fragmentation of the latter the concept of individual, which then, fragmented, originates the concept of people.
According to our hypothesis, we lose contact with our Centre before the fifth month of gestation. Immediately afterwards the axes start to deteriorate as a result, then we lose, in the final stage of pregnancy, the sequence. And we are left as only people with three conflictive dimensions and three healthy ones. The dramatic thing about this tale is that we are going to devote all our energy to those three conflictive dimensions, forgetting about the healthy ones. The positive thing about this process, universal and inevitable for now, is that we all need, at least we believe that we do from our stature as people, to recover in justice the minimum necessary to be an individual before becoming a human being. And the minimum necessary is not to be tied to another’s needs by our Achilles’ heel. And the minimum necessary is for us to be permitted access to the basic freedom of our innate sequence to do our own thing.
From the uterus, we remember that it is through the emotion that represents liberation from the compensatory imprisonment for our mother’s inflated emotion that we felt that we went back to being ourselves. And, since every day it was more conflictive to gain access to contact with the Centre and to the liberating subordination to it, it is not surprising that we have given that emotion, that structure and that sense a religious value and, so highly spiritual, that it became confused for each one of us, with the visage of God himself. When we place that emotion, that structure, and that sense in the Centre, occupying the place of the Centre to which all the other structures and emotions must retain the same place and value subordinated to it, terrible things occur such as fanaticism, idolatry, idolatrous narcissism that only confuses human beings and causes the separation and confrontation of the brotherhood of men, in fratricidal fights to the death. As long as we do not put that vocation in the Centre, we only run the risk of being in the TOWER OF BABEL. For the Legislator god will be love, for the Reactivator god will be joy, for the Promoter god will be safety, for the Fortifier god will be understanding, for the Constructor god will be justice and for the Revealer god will be creation. And everything will be left as a matter of opinion. For this reason, our vocation governs our personal spirituality, as a person. We believe that god is our vocational structure and that only it can open us up to him. On the one hand this is true, since it opens the sequence for us, which is, known part of our natural order. On the other hand, that abusive fixation makes us fanatical and rigid although, when it is normalised and refocused, makes us authentically transcendent. The best would be to maintain relativity and to take that vocation with a sense of humour.
In any case, when we receive attacks in that area, our vocation, we feel as if we don’t have a right to exist. We lose the compass of our finality and, with it, the meaning of life, of our life.
What do we have left when we are born? Certainly not the Centre, or the axes, or even the sequence. Our very personality mortgages the sequence. Indeed:
The Reactivator will pass from his skill, love, to his talent, fear, (leaping one step over joy) to access his vocation, taking a step back in the sequence, to then look, in amazement, at fear, and thereby lose his vision of the ensemble. Of course, put that way he will give no special importance to his three healthy structures and emotions, never mind senses: the Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, the Vitaliser-anger-smell, the Transformer-pride-taste. He will move towards himself haphazardly and that way will get lost, left at the entire mercy of his parents, carers, masters, organisations, society, etc.
If he fell into the hands of integral human beings that function in sequence, in the axes and at the service of the Centre, all hope could be preserved. His carers would understand that the exacerbated needs of his skill, talent and vocation obey intrauterine traumas due to his mammalian condition. These carers would look after those three painful points and, once the wounds had healed, would make patent that the loveliest of the child are his three uncontaminated parts. The six parts would then have the same importance and values and the child could recover his axes and his Centre. And become an integral human being.
The Promoter disqualifies the same healthy structures as the Reactivator, which are also his, and avidly seeks nutrition for his Orienter-joy-sex, his skill, for his Protector-love-sight, his talent (with which he takes one step back in the sequence) and for his Rector-fear-touch (two steps forward), his vocation.
The Fortifier asks for urgent nutrition for his Rector-fear-touch, his skill, for his Vitaliser-anger-smell (with which he leaps two steps forward) and for his Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, his vocation (one step back). And disqualifies his Transformer-pride-taste, his Protector-love-sight and his Orienter-joy-sex, which represent normality.
The Constructor, who is the boy of our example, asks for nutrition for his Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, his skill, for his Transformer-pride-taste, his talent (leap of two forward), and for his Vitaliser-anger-smell, his vocation (one step back). And disqualifies his Protector-love-sight, his Orienter-joy-sex and his Rector-fear-touch, which are normal.
The Revealer will cry out for his Vitaliser-anger-smell, his skill, for his Synthesiser-sadness-hearing, his talent (one step back), and for his Transformer-pride-taste, his vocation (two steps forward). He will disqualify the same normal parts that he shares with the Constructor.
The Legislator will demand special attention for his Transformer-pride-taste, his skill, for his Orienter-joy-sex, his talent (two steps forward), and for his Protector-love-sight, his vocation (one step back). And he will disqualify his Rector-fear-touch, his Synthesiser-sadness-hearing and his Vitaliser-anger-smell, which are normal in him.
Therefore we see how a baby, when he comes into the word, is not a tabula rasa, he is not perfect nor virginal, rather he is a small mammal who has had to deal with his mammalian condition and come out as whole and perfect as possible. He is going to have special needs due to his personality, to his innate profile of functioning, the result of his mammalian condition. Here there is no guilt or possible liability to be claimed from the mother. Every situation requires an emotion, and every gestation carries with it its own emotional and structural scenario. It is obvious that if the mother, on top of her circumstantial state, which is going to condition her dominant emotion, functions badly, this anomaly will contribute to damaging the foetus even further. Especially if she places herself repeatedly in one of the three lethal formulae of the axes. These lethal formulas are going to originate malformations and even, if they are endemic, the death of the foetus. But those are the exceptional cases that are not relevant here.
Now let’s take a look at how to help the nursing infant and child up until the age of three, and how to damage him until we achieve that, on top of his personal prison due to his three dysfunctions, he falls into his typological prison and functions the opposite way to the pattern that would liberate him. How to make of a human cub the prisoner of death in life, since that is a typology in MAT?
Let’s start with the easiest: HOW TO HELP THE CHILD? As a very first step, by perceiving his three healthy dimensions and being happy for them. To encourage them constantly, even and above all if they question our own way of functioning as parents. We will not insist tediously on what structures, emotions and senses to stimulate and caress constantly since we refer our reader to the previous paragraph for each typology and to the chapter on the healthy emotions. A healthy emotion, an innate ability product of a good emotional functioning and a healthy sense, does not need anything other than pride, love and joy in order to be valued by the infant. He will arrive with the tendency not to give them too much importance, and it is up to us as parents to make him become aware of how great he is for being perfect. Nothing more.
But the baby and the toddler, to a greater degree, if we don’t take good care of the baby, arrives ill when he is born: three structures, three emotions and three senses hurt him. And each one of them has a special treatment. Indeed, if he arrives even more damaged than is foreseeable, our baby will arrive with a diseased organ, and we will all understand that it is urgent to seek treatments to cure the baby. Not so if he comes with three diseases that are going to mortgage his body, soul and spirit. Not out of wickedness, since the immense majority of parents want their baby to be healthy and happy, but out of lack of knowledge. MAT contributes its grain of sand so that this lack of knowledge retreats and makes way for the wisdom and happiness of the child and his parents. Many parents feel proud of bringing their baby into the world and of educating and caring for him to make him into a worthwhile human being. Now they are going to know how to feel proud and when to feel ashamed (when they not only don’t help but damage).
Treatment of the skill: the essential thing here, as a response of sadness and love, since that is the axis of the Master, in other words, of the educator, is to perceive that here we have a diseased point, the most diseased of our baby: he strictly believes that his greatest faculty is to express that structure, that emotion and that sense like no one, and that he is going to be loved for it. That was how he had to grow and develop throughout his entire intrauterine experience. So that is what he is mostly going to express as he socialises with the parents. And, that amuses them instead of making them question themselves, it awakens their pride instead of alarming them and they love the baby for it instead of feeling sorry for him. We’re off to a bad start, a very bad one. Then the baby receives unconditional confirmation of his belief about his mission in the world. And we already have a symbiotic slave that needs to be approved for what most hurts him and to be valued for what is least strong and liberated in him. At the same time, the mother who on most occasions is still in her dominant emotion, is going to see that her baby “unites with her” and liberates her, because he will respond, not with the same dominant emotion as the mother, which would be proof of normality, but with the sequential emotion WHICH LIBERATES AND RELIEVES THE MOTHER! Then the mother, will not only not question herself, instead she will feel that an angel that rebalances her has fallen from the sky. And she will use the child instead of curing him.
What would the healing be like? Well, every time the child places himself in the sequential emotion to the dominant or ex-dominant one of the mother, she must feel FEAR for the child and take two steps backwards in her own sequence, in other words to love in the case of our baby, encourage the baby’s healthy love, move with him onto also healthy joy, AND MAKE HIM PASS ONTO FEAR ALL ON HIS OWN, encouraging him, accompanying him, AND FOR HIM TO PASS ONTO SADNESS ALL ON HIS OWN, and to respect him during the entire time that he is there, accompanying him WITHOUT ESCALATING by becoming even sadder than him. Taking second place, busy attending to the sick child. At the same time, she will allow him to unfold all of the potentialities of the Synthesiser, all on his own, accompanying him, but without great rejoicing, with normality and giving him this precise gestural and subliminal message: “I am responsible for taking you to this and I am with you, UNCONDITIONALLY, as long as you need it I will always be by your side. But don’t think for a moment that I need that disease of yours, or, much less, that I love you more for it.” That is all; once and a thousand times until the baby has time to rectify, on his own but with full support, his own vision of himself and of the world. And, of course, if the mother must do this, so must everyone else who goes near the child as well, so as not to give him contradictory messages. Since it is the most serious of the baby’s diseases. We hope we have been clear: it is not a question, at any time, of disqualifying or combating the baby’s skill, because, otherwise, he would give in to autism! It is a question of healing a diseased zone and making it into the sixth extremely valuable part of the baby. If we take the example of an organic illness, for example, a diseased lymphatic system as could be our case, it is not a question of poisoning the child more, by throwing him in the rubbish bin every time a lymph node hurts, or swells, or appears, but of curing him. If the child is ill he needs taking care of, not abandoning or rejecting every time he has a crisis. Otherwise, on top of making him ill, we will be crushing him and destroying him, and he will yield to autism, closing himself off forever from this absurd, cruel and incomprehensible world, which damages him every time he suffers.
Treatment of the talent: here the treatment is easier. When the child’s point of genius peeks up, applaud it just as strongly as when his healthy parts appear. Here we have a small genius who gives us all lessons. And we have to have the humility and admiration that is normal before any genius. And when something truly genius emerges, applaud it vigorously, but then move onto normality. Not onto disqualification or rejection; we have said, after applause, to move onto normality. The precise, gestural and verbal message that we have to give the child is: “you are a genius and we love you, we don’t consider you to be abnormal or different, you deserve more and better admiration and love for it and we all give it to you, with humility, with normality”. In other words, the baby should neither be set apart as if he were crazy and abnormal because all geniuses are that crazy, nor transformed into a circus monkey to be exhibited before family and friends. Normality! We have already said it: we are all born to be geniuses in the six dimensions. And we have to start with one, right?
With treatment like that the baby already believes that he can be himself, be a genius and be normal and loved. With which his soul will be unmortgaged and free and he will be capable of loving confidently.
Treatment of the vocation: here the treatment is even easier, but more subtle. With the vocation the maximum cry will be expressed, giving all from the very depths of the child’s spirit. It will be impressive. And marvellous. Here the healthy and normal response is, not just pride, not just love, but pure joy. Joy, not exaltation nor, much less, messianic inflation. No, you don’t have God incarnate here who came down to earth to bear good tidings. No. We have, all of us, here, the maximum expression of human truth, a complete human being who overflows with the joy of certainty. Then it is just and necessary to bow and defer, not to kneel before the miracle. That would be fatal for the baby, who would feel like a being from outside the world of humans. On the contrary. He is fully human. The only thing that needs to be done promptly is to diligently help the child to strengthen and master his corresponding axis, in the case of our child, the joy-pride axis. And it will be easy SINCE JOY WILL BE THE JUST RESPONSE TO HIS ANGER. When this isn’t the precise case, in other words when the baby is not a Constructor, AFTER JOY PASS ONTO THE COMPLEMENTARY EMOTION OF THE AXIS, and train him in this time and again as if he were an Olympic athlete.
And to finish, do not forget the essential: to give tireless caresses and encouragements and permits to what the baby innately brings that is healthy and valuable. Until convincing him, without forgetting anything about the treatment of the abovementioned diseases, that the loveliest, healthiest, most perfect things he has are the three innate dimensions that he brings. Then we will have the vocational genius of the six dimensions in sequence and in axes that we were all born to be.
Nevertheless, none of this makes sense if we don’t put everything at the service of the Centre. And the Centre MUST BE EMPTY, we already know this. We must not allow the baby to put his vocation or any of his dimensions in the Centre. A baby treated in this way would never think of doing so, in any case. It is the narcissism of his parents and educators that would oblige him to put it there in order to fight against something else that they have put there, more often than not the dominant typological emotion of the most heartless, and dominating and narcissistic and demonic of his progenitors. Or if the child is obliged to place the six-dimensional god of any of the religions. That will make the baby an atheist.

HOW TO DAMAGE THE CHILD? We are not going to deal here with how we can kill the child. To do that we will refer the reader to a subsequent book on the three types of psychopaths, in particular the Magnetiser who is the psychic killer in white gloves. This work will not deal with psychopathies, rather, at most, with psychotisations, or more precisely, with the breeding ground for psychosis, which in this work, we will not deal with either. Since here it is only about THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING, and of how to return to it if we have moved away.
Subjugation of the skill: To firmly establish the baby in his belief of intrauterine origin whereby he is accepted and given a place in the world on account of his innate dominant dimension, it is sufficient to celebrate and love that dimension and to make it patent to the child that he is distinguished for it. That is the mistake that the immense majority of parents and relatives close to the child make.
In order to aggravate this state it is sufficient not to take any special notice when the baby’s three healthy dimensions appear, and to treat them as if they were banal in that baby.
In order to subjugate the baby and give him special “missions” that make him the nourisher of his carers, it is enough to disqualify the baby’s talent or vocation when they appear, and to ask instead for his dominant emotion.
To set him firmly in his “personality”, it is necessary to exhibit the baby before others requesting his dominant dimension and, when it presents itself, to reward the baby. This will reinforce his contaminated vision of himself and his belief that he will manage to survive through his dominant dimension. Then the baby will be SOCIALISED and will yield to the conviction that the world is cruel and cynical and that one “has to” wear the relevant mask in order to survive in that jungle. We will already have a loving Reactivator, a happy Promoter, a respectful Fortifier, a sensible Constructor, a vital Revealer and a proud Legislator.
As of that moment, the baby or toddler’s body will resent it and become ill. He will be given an antibiotic, for example, instead of compensation for the crime.
Subjugation of the talent: this requires more wickedness and premeditation on the part of the carers. Indeed, it is necessary that, when the talent appears and the genius is shown, the baby encounters hostility, envy, and an escalation (“I do it better than you”) by the parents or carers. If he finds one adequate response and another hostile one from his different progenitors, he will choose the best response, unless the progenitor that gives him the good response allows the one who gives the bad one to “crush” him. In this last case, the child will give way to a feeling of guilt and will hide his distinctive sign from his abusive progenitor. The child will develop the belief that his talent puts his good progenitor at risk and that his talent is dangerous.
In order to aggravate the child’s distrust in his talent, it is necessary to treat him as “crazy” whenever he exercises it. To treat him as crazy and reject him for it.
Then the child will choose to renounce his talent in order to be left in peace and accepted in his family nucleus. He will feel legitimate rage against that injustice of his environment and will fight desperately to achieve acceptance and valuation for what “he knows is good and superior”. That battle for liberation will then be treated as an intolerable rebellion and will be crushed. Then the child will decide to hold onto that rage for two reasons:
1) To remember where his treasure that he is being obliged to renounce to is hidden, and, when he feels safe from persecution, to have a clue to find it, unbury it and recover it. That is the good thing. The bad thing is that in order to be able to convince himself that the progenitor responsible for the mess is “good” and not bad, and therefore does not deserve his rage, the baby or the infant will make that sense of rejection and authentic rage move into his unconscious. He will feel rage instead of his talent and he will not know why. This decision of a conscious origin will move into his reflex neuroendocrine system and rage will be generated spontaneously and inexplicably for him. He will not be conscious of the “switch” talent-rage against the person responsible for his decision to renounce to it, and the infant will experience it as inexplicable rage.
2) To hate himself and his talent instead of feeling rage against his parents. In this second phase, the opposition and rejection have been internalised and the baby will feel: “I am bad-I am crazy”, and will be angry at himself whenever the temptation to show himself or to show his point of genius emerges. From there it is very easy to move onto the third step, which will seal the trap:
3) When the baby sees that dimension outside, he will feel hostile rage towards it. That way he will be coherent with his two previous decisions and will then cut the tension wire that could subject him to the temptation of reconsidering his conclusions about the world and about himself. That way he will become an embittered and envious prisoner of those who did not make the same choice as he did. He will be an enemy of his own talent, in himself as well as in others. It is surplus to say that if, once an adult, he has a baby of his same typology he will fight viciously and with hostility against his child’s genius. And if, moreover, he is resentful, he will fight against any type of genius, irrespective of that talent.
As of that moment his soul will be in exile, and he will become, not only an inhabitant and a victim of the jungle that forced him to exacerbate the pain of his skill, but also a hostile and rabid jailer of the world of pygmies, of the kind that fight against any genius and are set on chopping off the head of anyone who stands out above the mediocre crowd.
Subjugation of the vocation: this is the greatest damage that we can do to a human being. It is the murder of his spirit.
When the foetus is in the mother’s uterus and the stellar presence of his Centre is hidden from him (one month of gestation), the “shock” is so tremendous that following the pure hate that he feels against that “deceitful God”, many foetuses choose to die. If life is not as it should be, their existence no longer makes any sense. Those of us who decide to continue do so firstly and mainly for one reason: to find that Centre again, that pure glory and splendour that we have perceived, which we know exists and that we set our minds on reencountering above anything else. And the first reaction is one of guilt, of inadequacy: that something so marvellous cannot be bad. It is we who have done something terrible for that Something so marvellous to abandon us. The concept of “original guilt” is born of that experience and occurrence that all of us have lived.
Then we pass onto the tripartite intermittent light: when we are in our axes and in our sequence, and we feel that all of that marvel is born from the Centre and has the Centre as finality, everything seems marvellous. When we feel the “good” and centred emotions of our mother, everything is already good, but we are in a more subordinate position, we are the receiver of… good things. At most, we will be able to access an I-you relationship with a Centre that we perceive as superior to our own. When we feel the “bad” emotions of our mother and are obliged to acquire a personality in order to survive, we feel that Centre as if it were a whimsical, brutal and arbitrary god, who, with no relationship of cause and effect, becomes terrible and threatens our life, crushing our integrity and our freedom. But there the foetus learns that by “doing things”, such as placing himself in his dominant compensatory structure, strengthening his talent and becoming ecstatic with his vocation, he manages to remain more or less okay. He manages a whole that is fairly coherent and a degree of integrity.
The four experiences are engraved in his body, his mind, his entire being. And condition his view of God who, like Juno, will have four faces. When the foetus becomes an autonomous baby, he can, if the parents behave as we indicated above, be helped and re-stabilised by the parents.
But by birth he has already decided that God is something better but of the nature of his own vocational dimension. For the baby, feeling and expressing that dimension is a question of life or death. Then, what does he usually find. Well two things. One external and terrible, and another internal and overwhelming.
If the parent’s reaction is to prohibit the vocation, and this is very commonplace due to the repetition and perpetuation of THAT ACCURSED CHAIN THAT WE PERPETUATE in the exaltation of our skill, envy and hostility for our talent and the prohibition of the vocation, and that we, human mammals, transmit from parents to children and from generation to generation, until turning it into a universal culture, we acquire a PERSONALITY TYPOLOGY, in other words, a lifelong prison that locks away our being.
Indeed, if our skill was already exalted and our talent combated, we are fodder for the third and bloodiest attack against our being: the prohibition of our vocation. And that is very easy to achieve in a baby that has already been damaged twice. Let’s remember that the baby already comes into the world disorientated, with no relationship to or contact with his original Centre, without access to his axes and with his sequence blocked by having to reverse and leap forward in order to maintain 80% of his innate energy level. In other words, viewed graphically, the baby arrives with his structure unfolded and open, as we show on page 198, and not integrated as we show on the same page.
For the baby, God is his vocation, and every time that he gains access to it in peace he pays homage to his god and rejoices benevolently. He feels himself being. He feels himself belonging and belonging to himself. He feels himself flowing and he is happy. Well, as happy as a mammal can be. He feels as happy as a lion’s cub for example. He is one more little animal on this planet earth. With the only difference that he has one more dimension that will allow him to transform his world for the better or for the worse.
If he encounters opposition to his vocation, if, when he expresses it, he finds that he is thrown out the world of humans whether through idolatry that pushes him towards the sky and forces him to confuse himself with a god, time and again until managing to turn him into a narcissist; or if he is excluded from the world, by terrifying him through leaving him alone “because he is bad”; or if he sees himself crushed and terrified and defeated by the personal god of his progenitors, who have a genuine power of life or death over him, the baby will give in to two convictions:
1) God, truly, is the bad god that he remembers so well in every cell of his body. Except that now it is worse: before he could “do things” in order to recover a balance, amputated, it’s true, but similar to some level of integrity. Not now. The god of his vocation is weaker than the other gods and is defeated. Moreover, that god punishes him by abandoning him to the mercy of worshippers of other gods, who attack him.
2) But God is necessary because his spirit cries out for it, that in the first place. He remembers his Centre, and that evidence cannot be doubted. His joy, his Orienter and his sex depend on it. Then, since there are no “good” gods, and only the bad ones prove to him that they exist, he will submit to his own bad god who promised him the experience of his vocation and identified with it but who in reality demonstrates that God does exist, yes, and that he admits precisely the expression of that dimension, for him vocational, in everyone else but in him. From this belief collective archetypes are born. In other words the gods of Olympus.
And it is so much so, that his progenitors prove to him time and again that they too are subjugated to their archetypal gods, who prohibit human beings their vocation.
In order to reach such an aberrant vision of the spiritual world the contaminated intervention of the Transformer was necessary, which looks for the why of things and can only live in coherence. The Transformer discovers important things so that everything makes coherent sense. And, a normal child will take three years to resign himself to that prison-like vision of the world. He will fight persistently for three years in the best of cases. We are not going to mention cases of extreme toxicity. During another four years he will try to recover his integrity as an original mammal. Then he will forget, and will comfortably install himself in his prison, and become a convert.
Those two convictions of the child are going to lead him to become an “adorer of”, subjugated in body and soul to his archetypal god. To do this, he will change 40% of the false rage that replaced his talent for more emotion of his skill. That way he will become something coherent that follows a religion, the one of his particular archetype. As for his vocation, he will continue with the absolute coherence of his existential scheme and will change it for phobic fear. It will no longer be necessary to terrorise him with being excluded and dying of abandon and exile. He himself will take care of exiling himself from the world and spiritual truth by feeling phobic fear instead of his vocation, and of people who act out, authentically, that vocation. That way he will move away from his impossible mirage.
In MAT, we call the PERSONALITY TYPOLOGY the inflation of the skill (which stops being a skill, since it becomes 140%, like in the uterus, of which 100% correspond to the authentic emotion and 40% corresponds to the original vocation transformed into that false emotion that imitates the skill), disconnection of the talent (which is replaced 40% by false skill and 60% by false rage – envy) and the prohibition of the vocation (which is replaced by false phobic fear). OUR STATISTICS REVEAL THAT, OF 120,000 ANALYSED CASES, 98% OF PEOPLE ARE IN THEIR TYPOLOGY and only 2% are in their personality. We found nobody who was in neither of these two states. We didn’t find a single integral human being.
In the next chapter, we will show what each typology is like, and also their phases of evolution, which distance or approach them to the most intact newborn they were. We will show what to do in order to recover the integrality of the human being that we were born to be.
For the time being we will conclude this chapter showing that the typologies are adorers of archetypal gods in this precise manner:
– The Reactivator is an adorer of Orpheus.
– The Promoter is an adorer of Mercury.
– The Fortifier is an adorer of Achilles.
– The Constructor is an adorer of Sisyphus.
– The Revealer is an adorer of Prometheus.
– The Legislator is an adorer of Atlas.

That in 98%. Of the remaining 2%, when they connect and recover their skill, talent and vocation, they gain access to the God of their vocation and then:
– The Reactivator identifies with Jesus.
– The Promoter identifies with Allah.
– The Fortifier identifies with the God of Buddha.
– The Constructor identifies with the God of Zoroaster.
– The Revealer identifies with the God of Mani.
– The Legislator identifies with the God of Moses.

Even so, how to avoid the wars between religions? Since the spirit of the human being is in exile, and, when it finds itself, it is to encounter a God Father made in his own image and likeness.

The Splendour of the Human Being - Preciada Azancot
An extract from the book “THE SPLENDOUR OF THE HUMAN BEING” by Preciada Azancot
©Preciada Azancot